About Notes
- What are Notes?
- How do Note repayments work?
- Who is the Note issuer?
- What are Mintos Notes base prospectuses and final terms?
- How are underlying loans pooled together in a Set of Notes?
- What is late loan exposure of a Set of Notes?
- Understanding Yield to Maturity (YTM)
- How liquid are investments?
- How do I make money from my investments?
- How does “Keep available” work?
- How can I see income earned from my investments?
- Can I see the current distribution of my outstanding investments across lending companies?
About underlying loans
- How is interest for investments in loans calculated?
- What types of loans and other assets exist on Mintos?
- What statuses can loans and other assets have on Mintos?
- What is skin in the game?
- What is a buyback obligation and how does it work for investments in Notes?
- What is a buyback obligation and how does it work for investments in loans by means of assignment agreements?
Primary and Secondary Market
Core Loans
- What are the criteria of Core Loans a legacy of Mintos Core and Mintos strategies?
- How does Core Loans diversify the portfolio?
- How can I change the priority of my automated portfolios?
- How can I cash out money from Mintos Core?
- How long does it take to cash out my money from Mintos Core?
- Which investments are available for cashout from Mintos Core?
Mintos Custom portfolios
- What are Mintos Custom portfolios?
- How do Mintos Custom portfolios invest money from my Mintos account?
- Can I use different ways of investing at the same time?
- How can I stop my Mintos Custom portfolio?
- Why aren't my changes to my Mintos Custom portfolio being saved?
- What happens to my diversification settings if I change the portfolio target?
Custom manual investing
Mintos Risk Score
Revolving Pool
- What is Revolving Pool?
- What's in a Revolving Pool?
- How does a Revolving Pool work?
- How do the underlying loans work for a Revolving Pool?
- How do repayments work for a Revolving Pool?
- Does Revolving Pool pay interest on late loans?
Pending payments
- What are pending payments?
- How long is the pending payments period? Can it be shortened?
- Does pending payments mean lending companies or borrowers are late?
- What’s the difference between pending payments and grace period?
- Can pending payments increase?
- Can pending payments be abused?