About underlying loans
- What is schedule extension?
- How is interest for investments in loans calculated?
- What types of loans and other assets exist on Mintos?
- What statuses can loans and other assets have on Mintos?
- What is skin in the game?
- What is a buyback obligation and how does it work for investments in Notes?
- What is a buyback obligation and how does it work for investments in loans by means of assignment agreements?
- What amortization methods do loans have on Mintos?
- What is the grace period?
- For what purpose are loans issued to borrowers?
- Can I know who the borrower is?
- What happens if a borrower does not pay?
- What kinds of collateral are held for loans?
- Who has the pledge rights over the collateral?
- How is the value of collateral estimated?
- How is collateral safeguarded?
- In which currency do lending companies issue loans to borrowers?
- What is an API?