In some situations, you may accumulate uninvested funds in your account even though you’re using Mintos Core, legacy strategies or Mintos Custom. Here are some tips on what you can do to make sure your money gets invested:
If you’re using a Mintos Core, legacy strategies or Mintos Custom
- Your portfolio might be stopped
You can start or stop your Mintos Core, legacy strategy or Mintos Custom portfolio anytime. Stopped portfolios are marked with a red dot next to the portfolio name on your Loans page. To start a stopped portfolio, click … next to your portfolio and select Resume investing. - Your portfolio might have reached its limit
Mintos Core, legacy strategies and Mintos Custom will stop investing once they hit their portfolio limit. To raise your portfolio target and invest more with a specific portfolio, click … next to your portfolio and select Change target for Mintos Core and legacy strategies, or select Edit strategy for Mintos Custom portfolios. - Mintos Core, legacy strategies and Mintos Custom may not be suitable and appropriate for you
Based on the results of your Suitability & Appropriateness assessment, Mintos Core, legacy strategies and Mintos Custom may not be available for you. You can check which ways of investing are suitable and appropriate for you in your account settings. If your situation changes, you can review your answers twice every 30 days. Your results will be recalculated. - Your automated portfolios may have reached the maximum total amount set by the responsible investing requirement
If you have a private account, an individual responsible investing requirement in accordance with the MiFID II regulation may be set for your automated portfolios (Mintos Core, legacy strategies and Mintos Custom), allowing you to invest with them up to a certain total amount. The amount is calculated individually based on your investment goals and net worth, as indicated in the Suitability and Appropriateness assessment, and can be viewed in your account settings. If your situation changes, you can review your answers twice every 30 days. Your results will be recalculated.
If you’re using a Mintos Custom
- Your portfolio might not find matching results
Your Mintos Custom portfolio will invest in loans and Notes that match your defined criteria. If your criteria are too restrictive, your portfolio might not find matching loans and Notes to invest in. To check your portfolio settings, click … next to your portfolio and select Edit portfolio. Click Show matching results on the right side to see how many available loans and Sets of Notes match your criteria. You could also create a new portfolio with looser criteria and lower priority to invest your uninvested money. - Your portfolio might be configured to invest in lending companies with no supply
If you’re using a custom diversification, check if you have diversification rates assigned to lending companies with no loan supply. To check your portfolio settings, click … next to your portfolio and select Edit portfolio. Click Show matching results on the right side to see how many available loans and Sets of Notes match your criteria. To check or update your diversification settings, scroll down to the general information section and click Diversification settings. We recommend using default diversification, which takes loan supply and invested amounts into account, and updating your diversification settings from time to time. - Your minimum investment might be set too high
Your Mintos Custom portfolio has a minimum investment per loan and per Set of Notes. If your uninvested funds are less than this amount, your portfolio will not invest. To check your minimum amount, click … next to your portfolio and select Edit portfolio. - Your portfolio settings might be outdated
The loan supply from a lending company can change over time, or the company or Mintos might decide to stop cooperation. As a result, the allocated part of your portfolio may not be reinvested. We recommend reviewing your portfolio regularly to make sure it still meets your investment goals. To check your portfolio settings, click … next to your portfolio and select Edit portfolio. Click Show matching results on the right side to see how many available loans and Notes match your criteria. To check or update your diversification settings, scroll down to the general information section and click Diversification settings. We recommend using default diversification, which takes loan supply and invested amounts into account, and updating your diversification settings from time to time. To get updates on the lending companies on Mintos, follow our blog. - Your portfolio may be processing new investments
Your portfolio may need some time to process new investments. Check back in a few hours to see if new investments have been made. If your portfolio does not make new investments within 24 hours, see if any other tips mentioned above apply.