In general, you can only cash out investments from your Core Loans portfolio (legacy Mintos Core and Mintos strategies) that still qualify for Core Loans. When you’re cashing out, your investments are acquired by other investors’ Core Loans portfolios. Consequently, they need to match any current criteria or limitations for Core Loans portfolios.
An investment can only be cashed out if:
- It is a Set of Notes with a late loan exposure of 20% or less or a current claim.
- It is a Set of Notes that has no underlying loans that are more than 10 days pending/overdue, or a claim with no pending/overdue payments.
- It has a Mintos Risk Score from 10.0 to 3.5.
- The lending company has not been suspended from the Secondary Market or defaulted on Mintos.
- The investment still generates interest and can bring a profit to the buyer.
- The lending company offers other investments that qualify for Core Loans.
Fast vs. Gradual Cash-Out
- Fast Cash-Out: Eligible, current investments are sold as soon as possible, provided there is demand from other investors. Processing the cash-out might still take some time.
- Gradual Cash-Out: Investments that are late, pending, or in recovery requiring more time to meet the criteria for Core Loans are queued and processed gradually. You can get your money when they recover or buyback kicks in.
If an investment in your portfolio is unavailable for cashout, you need to wait for it to become available for cashout again or reach maturity. You can also manually sell most investments in Notes on the Secondary Market.
Whether an investment is available for cashout may change over time, and it is even possible for an investment to become unavailable for cashout while it is being cashed out. If you notice that a part of your requested amount won’t cash out after several days (under normal market conditions), some of the investments that were being cashed out have most likely become unavailable for cash out in the meantime. If your Mintos portfolio is unable to process the cashout for certain investments for more than two weeks, it will automatically try to cash out different investments every day.
You can also try resetting the cashout process manually:
- Make sure your Core Loans portfolio is disabled.
- Change the target of your Core Loans portfolio to be equal to or higher than your current invested amount with that portfolio to cancel the ongoing cashout.
- Request a new cashout.