- Investor ID, name/last name, language preference, address, phone number and email that Mintos holds can be found in your account settings under Personal Information
- Responses received from you about the Suitability and Appropriateness assessment can be accessed and edited in your account settings under Suitability and appropriateness
- Information that Mintos has about your chosen currencies can be found in your account settings under Currencies
- Information about your account can be found on the Overview page, including but not limited to available funds, investments, pending payments, and funds in recovery
- Information about selected and unselected notifications can be viewed and edited in your account settings under Notifications
- Details for tax statements and reports can be found and requested here in your account settings under Tax report as well as in your account statement
- Mintos keeps the information about your current and finished investments available to you on the Portfolio page under Current Investments and Finished Investments
- Your current portfolios can be found on the Invest page once logged in
- Information about campaigns and bonuses can be viewed on the Campaigns page
- Your registered bank accounts with Mintos are accessible on the Withdraw page
- Incoming payments, bonuses, interest received, fees paid and withdrawals can be accessed via your account statement
Other data (available upon request):
- Verification details - data from all started and completed verifications
- Setting changes completed by you to your Mintos profile
- Emails sent to you by Mintos
- Other data
In addition, all current and past agreements between you and Mintos can be found when logged in in your account settings under Agreements.