At Mintos, ensuring the safety and security of our investors is essential. With phishing attempts becoming increasingly sophisticated, it's crucial to know how to distinguish legitimate communications from fraudulent ones. Here’s a straightforward guide to help you recognize genuine emails from Mintos and keep your personal information secure.
Recognize the Signs of Phishing
Urgency and Emotional Language:
Phishing emails often convey a false sense of urgency to provoke quick action. Watch out for messages threatening account closure, reporting suspicious activity, or any communication pressuring immediate action. Remember, Mintos will never rush you into making a decision that could compromise your security, and never ask to send sensitive information via email.
Suspicious Sender Addresses:
Always check the sender's email address. Legitimate emails from Mintos will always come from an address that ends with “”. Be cautious of email addresses that resemble, but are not exactly, our official domain—typos or unusual characters are common red flags.
Unexpected Attachments or Links:
Be wary of emails containing unexpected links or attachments, as they can contain malware. Authentic Mintos emails will only ask you to download something if it's something you've requested.
Generic Greetings:
- Genuine emails from Mintos will address you by your name, not generic salutations like "Dear Customer." This personalized approach is a hallmark of our communication.
Additional Tips for Email Security
- Verify Before You Click: Hover over any links in the email without clicking to see where they lead. Make sure the URL is linked to the page.
- Direct Access: If an email asks you to log into your account or verify details, don’t click on the link provided. Instead, go directly to the Mintos website by typing the URL into your browser.
- Keep Personal Information Private: Mintos will never ask for your passwords or security details via email. Always keep such sensitive information private.
- Enhance Your Security: Utilize tools like spam filters and antivirus software to reduce the risk of phishing emails reaching your inbox.
Your security is our top priority. By staying vigilant and following these guidelines, you can help protect yourself against phishing scams. If you want to learn more about how to better protect your investor account, click here.