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Welcome to Mintos Community!
See how to sign in, participate and what is the netiquette here. If you wish to ask Mintos something or involve us in...
About investing, Notes and Loans, automated portfolios, Mintos Risk Score, overdue funds
About investing in Fractional Bonds on Mintos
About investing in ETFs on Mintos
Real estate
About investing in Real Estate on Mintos
Smart Cash
About investing in Smart Cash on Mintos
Feature requests and Feedback
Share with us any new feature ideas - we definitely appreciate your feedback. We will not be commenting on each post,...
Mintos and Industry News
Latest news on investing in loans, market reviews, Mintos milestones and our business updates.
Mintos under regulation
AML, KYC, SMS 2FA, GDPR and other important steps we invite our investors to know to be able to continue to invest on...