Sudden rise in pending payments
Dear Mintos Support,
In recent days, I have seen a significant rise in the pending payments in my portfolio. They have multiplied by 17 since March the 1st, reaching 3,5% of my portfolio. Effectively, this is reducing the average profit from my portfolio in 34bps.
I have been a Mintos user for more than two years now, so I am used to pending payments and I understand how it works and that it is a part of the process.
However, I see something strange now, because I have pending payments from 12 originators out of a total 14 originators in my portfolio, which is very rare. I only invest in top tier originators, so this is something that definitely never happened before to me. I suspect that this has more to do with Mintos itself than with the individual originators.
Could someone from Mintos Support please advise why this is happening with almost every loan originator that I work with and when is this expected to be solved?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Best regards,
I would suspect the dropping interest rates are more of a reason. Which likely reduces the inflow into new loans from the primary market (and also if investors are moving funds from loans into either bonds or ETF products from Mintos). The investments and repayments flow are offset against each other, and the difference is settled in weekly batches. So if the investments are less than the repayments - you need to wait for the settlement that occurs weekly (and the actual days the transfer takes).
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I agree, my pending payment spiked at 5 % of my portefolio.
Mainly because planet42 and iute are doing huge buyback of their loans/notes to decrease their book loan rates (probably). In the same time, they partially reroll their book loans and the pending payment must wait to be cleared. This situation has improved a lot for me, recently 2.3% of my portefolio instead of 5.4% are still pending.
Right now, I only buy on the secondary market to still access high rates notes.
At the end of Mars, mintos will release the mintos score for Q4 23, i hope they will release more information about 2023 performance on Mintos.
As rates go down, bonds will become more attractive.
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Dear investors,
Please note that each case is specific and each cause for pending payments is therefore specific as well. In most of the cases, the pending payments are caused due to the delayed payment processing- there can be several reasons for that, such as standard payment delays, additional AML checks being requested by the corresponding banks, API issues, etc. I would like to encourage you to reach out to Mintos support regarding specific cases and we will be able to address these cases individually.
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