Investing in Smart Cash
- What is Mintos Smart Cash?
- How safe is investing in Smart Cash?
- How is interest in Smart Cash calculated?
- How does Mintos Smart Cash compare to fixed-term deposits?
- What are the fees related to Smart Cash?
- How often is Smart Cash interest paid out?
- How long does it take to withdraw money from Mintos Smart Cash?
- Where is Smart Cash investing?
- Who can invest in Smart Cash?
- What is a money market fund?
- Who manages the money market fund?
- How often does the interest rate change?
- Is there a fixed or minimum holding period for Smart Cash?
- How much do I need to start investing in Smart Cash?
- When are investments in Smart Cash executed?
- What happens if I request a cash out from Smart Cash before the cutoff time for my investment?
- How is income from Smart Cash taxed?
- What will happen with my investments in Smart Cash if I change my country of tax residence?