Portfolio - lack of overview & fixes
As the majority of investors have both notes and claims at this point, actually seeing your portfolio is completely broken.
1. Thnink about it, as an investor looking at my portfolio do I care if it is called a Note or a Claim, or do I care about the statistics, when will I get the next payment date and so on? I mean that is the POINT of the overview, to show you an overview, and not one separated by type. Just add a column stating if the row is a claim or a note and be done.
2. This separation leads to another VERY DANGEROUS lack of overview: I cannot see how much I invested in each loan originator. This is really bad, as I could invest up to a certain amount that I am confident in notes for a specific LO without seeing that I already have a large amount invested in that LO in claims.....
3. PLEASE FIX not all columns being sortable! This got broken fairly recently and it is again, imperative to keep an overview. The most important and used columns in the portfolio tab are not sortable right now "next payment date" and "pending paymentd/in recovery".
Hi Dragos-Cristian Vasilescu,
Thank you for your comment.
Please note that a clear breakdown and creation of separate sections for Claims and Notes was a request from the FCMC, therefore it can't be changed. Investing in claims is no longer possible, all claims will amortize and gradually phase out, therefore only Notes will be visible at some point.
Regarding not all columns being sortable, we are aware of this and working on the solution. Meantime, we are thankful for your patience and understanding.
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Dear Lucja,
who says you cannot have both, clear breakdown and joint overview?
Secondly, you need to provide transparency to your customers and fight for that - so find solutions around FCMC, not hide behind excuses. Right now until all Claims are amortized there is NO transparency. This has to be addressed and fixed.
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