Capital Service FINANCIAL STATEMENT 2020 & Q1 2021
Hello Mintos,
Investros would like to see financial statements of Capital Service PL for 2020 & Q1 2021.
Hello cooroos,
Since the company is not placing new loans for investment, and is in fact suspended by Mintos, Capital Service is not sharing their financial statements publicly on Mintos or their own website, or other channels. However, Mintos is in close cooperation along with daily monitoring of their operations and their continuous repayments to investors on Mintos according to the restructured repayments schedule. Not being a public company, Capital Service does not have an obligation to share its financial reports, however, we clearly understand such interest on behalf of investors with investments in the company's issued loans and will ask for a comment of the CEO of the Capital Service CS on financial performance figures to be shared, and come back to you.2 -
When will paybacks of the money that Mintos receives monthly begin?
I request Mintos to develop and publish a repayment schedule of these monies.
Please also prove that it is legal to favor investors that have invested earlier into CS than others.I am pretty convinced that this prodcedure will not see through a judicial review.
Especially since there might be diffenrent durations of the loans in question.0 -
Hello Juergen Karl Schreier,
Thank you for sharing with us your point of view, we appreciate it.
Regarding Funds in Recovery, you can check our regular update here: As it can be seen, Capital Service is making regular payments. As the due amount has not been fully recovered yet, some investors will still need to wait until they see their funds paid back.
We fully understand that you might be impatient but we would like to assure you that the repayment order we have got in place is fully legal and occurs according to the waterfall structure stipulated in the Terms and Conditions.
If you have any additional doubts regarding your situation, you can always send us an email to, specifying your investor ID and we will check your account.
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