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Dziesiątka Finanse


Комментариев: 8

  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator

    Drogi Panie Wiesławie,

    Dziękujemy za Pana komentarz. Ta informacja jest zdecydowanie nieprawdziwa - Dziesiątka Finanse nadal ma zadłużenie wobec naszych inwestorów. Jeśli posiada Pan jakikolwiek dowód otrzymanej od nich wiadomości e-mail (np. zrzut ekranu), gorąco zachęcamy do udostępnienia go nam pod adresem support@mintos.com.

  • Janusz Kacalak

    @... - is there a way to settle a realistic repayment plan with them? (Something similar to what happens with Capital Service where they repay substantial chunks of investors money each month) In the last few months Dziesiątka Finanse repaid almost nothing..

  • Permanently deleted user
    Community manager

    Hi, Janusz Kacalak,

    The nature of the lending company’s management position is holding us back in reaching an agreement that would be in the interests of investors. At this point, the lending company, as well as its advising company, has not reacted to constructive discussion and our requests for information making the debt collection process slightly more complicated and prolonged. Each Case with each lending company is different. Please see the latest updates here: https://www.mintos.com/en/funds-in-recovery-updates/

  • Adam Novak

    Any update on this ?

    Last message is https://www.mintos.com/en/funds-in-recovery-updates/
    October 6 2022: The court adjourned the hearing until 11 October due to illness of Dziesiatka Finanse’s attorney.

    I think attorney is out of sickness. 

  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator

    Adam Novak the court hearing happened, and we now wait for the court decision, that should be shared with us in November.

  • Angus

    Brining this up again....

    Recovery page shows:

    "Dziesiątka has offered a settlement in which investors would receive back the full amount of the current exposure. We have not yet received the signed documentation for settlement on Dziesiątka Finance’s side, and we are still preparing to go to court on 10 August 2023. "

    What happened?

  • Japke

    We probably need to wait for the update to recoveries that will be published latest next week (as far as I am aware these are updated monthly and published in the first week or first full week of the month). Looking at the update out of May this year (a court date was planned on 21st of April but postponed on both sides request), the possible settlement might still take a while (even if agreed, and signed by all the related parties).

    "Currently, both sides are still working on the agreement–because of this, both parties have asked to postpone the court date. We expect the agreement to be signed and effective from May 2023. Our aim is for the full amount to be settled not later than March 2024. If for any reason this agreement is not signed, a court date is set for 10 August 2023."

    From the outside it looks like Dziesiątka Finanse very much likes to take a lot of time. And you might associate it with a strategy to delay any outcome as long as possible (again from my point of view as a reader of the updates provided by Mintos).

  • Japke

    There has been an update posted today on the Dziesiątka Finanse case. A few developments have taken place, that are summarized by Mintos as follows:

    All of these activities raise doubts about their actions and the intentions of the management and/or owners of Dziesiatka.

    The mother company of Dziesiątka is Credit Royal which has entered a restructuring process as announced on their website : https://creditroyal.pl/proces-restrukturyzacji/


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