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Notes in other currencies


Komentarze: 21

  • JH


    when (clear date) will it be possible to invest in KZT-loans?

    Best regards

  • DW

    why would you even bother with mintos at all? incomprehensible

  • JH

    Hello DW,

    the only way to avoid losses for investors is an open communication. The quality of answers of Mintos is more then week. It is my intention to put all new investors in a position to see the reality behind the big Mintos show.

    It makes no sense to invest in such a company.

    There is no way for Mintos to survive at this level.
    Let us put more pressure by open communication to show Mintos the influence of customers.

    They will react in the favour of investors, soon.

  • DW

    aha, I support your mission.

  • JH

    Back to my original question,

    I urgently need to know when KZT investments are availible at the platform?

    Thank you!

  • Magnate

    I highly suspect Mintos has now become solely a platform for investments in euros. I haven't seen any notes in other currencies and it seems investors with other currencies are just left to gradually move away from anything, but euros. It really limits the arbitrage opportunities and the euro denominated loans haven't been at any point the most attractive ones offered.

  • Permanently deleted user
    Community manager

    Dear Investors,

    Firstly, we launched Notes in EUR currency as the majority of investments made by the investors have been always in this currency.

    Regarding other currencies, we aim to launch Notes in PLN and KZT in the nearest future, although we are unable yet to provide any specific date for that. Afterward, we will evaluate the option of adding more currencies as well.

    Please follow our news, we will update you soon!

  • Michael Buell

    Hi Annija,

    This means that incoming interest income and repayments cannot currently be reinvested in KZT. This in turn means that the money is lying around unused or has to be exchanged back into euros at unfavorable exchange rates. This is a very unpleasant situation for us investors. I don't understand why you guys are shutting down this market before the bond conversion is complete. That costs us money!

  • JH

    Dear Michael,

    it is always good to ask Mintos clear questions.
    Mintos is not reliable at all.
    Try to get everything in writing.
    The Mintos marketing phrases are not enough.

    We all should fight at all levels to get companies which have this behavior out of business.

    Best regards


  • JH

    Dear Annija,

    I know that you are not our problem. Your Management causes one trouble after the other. This is a self destroying strategy. Why are you supporting this „regulated“ company? In short time your reputation will be zero. As you see more and more investors will join this campaign.

    We need urgently to know if the exchange from KZT to EUR is without costs if there are no KZT nodes available?

  • Michael Buell

    Dear Annija, 

    "although we are unable yet to provide any specific date for that"

    A specific date is one thing, a rough estimate another thing.

    Do you have a rough idea how long it will take to launch Notes in PLN and KZT?

    Some weeks? Some month? A year?

    We need to decide what to do with our lying fallow invests.

    Best regards



  • Permanently deleted user
    Community manager

    Dear JH,

    For exchanging currencies there is a fee that you can see here

  • Permanently deleted user
    Community manager

    Dear Michael Buell, it is planned within this month.

  • JH

    Dear Annija (Mintos),

    I have not seen any information about KZT nodes.
    As you informed us nodes in KZT should be available in July 2022.
    Why is there no official information about the possible investment date.

    Please let us know the clear date, now.

    Best regards


  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator

    Dear JH,

    Thank you for your feedback.

    Yes, that's the plan, if everything goes as expected. We encourage you to follow our blog, where we will inform investors about the availability of Notes in KZT as soon as a specific date is confirmed. 

    In the meantime, we thank you for your patience and understanding.

  • JH

    Dear Lucja,

    Mintos confirmed, that KZT notes will be available end of this month.
    There are 6 days left. It is important to inform investors at least 5 days in advance about the real schedule. Please let us know the precise date when investments in KZT are available.

    If there is no fixed date I expect free currency exchange from KZT to EUR. Please confirm!

    Best regards


  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator

    JH Please be informed that the first Notes in KZT became available today. Here is the blog post:

  • Anto

    I would like to know if you will introduce notes in dollars and pounds to add more diversification.

  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator

    Anto for the moment we have no such plans, nevertheless we thank you for your interest. If it is possible, we will take your feedback under consideration.

  • Angus

    Brining this thread back up again.

    Any plans for Jet Finance to launch KZT notes?

    Currently KZT is impossible to diversify as only two LO´s - GFM and IDF - and IDF is busy paying back so no desire to invest more there for now.  

  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator

    Hi Angus,

    Sorry for the delay in responding. Jet Finance is for now not planning to launch KZT notes.


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