Brutal drop in MINTOS RISK SCORE score in ZENKA & more.
Hello dear Mintos investors,
Today reviewing the Mintos portfolio and coinciding with the change of quarter. Mintos has updated its risk scores, and we have several surprises.
Of note is the drop in loans from the originator ZENKA in Kenya, from +5 to only 3.2 !
It has been a long time since I saw a drop of 2 points.
Also highlight the drop in score in Creditstar, although it already has a somewhat dangerous history, now we have Creditstar (Finland) with a score of 4.1.
My exposure to Credistar is 5.1% and 4.4% in Zenka of the total portfolio. Yes, I will stop actively investing in these two companies temporarily and reduce the % in the portfolio until I have information about it or regularization to a +5 score.
It doesn't particularly worry me, but it is true that I have been trying to figure out what has changed for several hours and I have not been able to find the factors that have caused these two significant score reductions. Especially those that affect these two originators.
If anyone has more information about it, I would be happy to read it.
To continue composing while the party lasts,
A profitable hug to all.
El dinero de los prestamos vencidos de Kenia (ZENKA) no se están devolviendo a los inversores desde hace semanas.
¿Alguien de MINTOS nos puede explicar qué está pasando ahora?
Esta plataforma solo da problemas a los inversores, una y otra vez.
Los inversores depositamos nuestro dinero en MINTOS para que nos deis tranquilidad, NO PROBLEMAS.
Money from overdue loans from Kenya (ZENKA) has not been returned to investors for weeks.
Can someone from MINTOS explain to us what is happening now?
This platform only gives investors problems, time and time again.
Investors deposit our money in MINTOS so that you can give us peace of mind, NOT PROBLEMS.
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It seems like Mintos changed the methology which is somehow reflected in this document: (might need some time to load both new and old methology)
A little bit more information can also be found here:
but I could not find any source on what exactly changed with this new method of calcuation.
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There is a bit more info in the related blog article :
The revised Loan portfolio performance methodology will now incorporate a more comprehensive evaluation. We’re introducing additional criteria for non-performing loans (NPLs) in order to observe the trends of delayed loans within lending companies.
The primary adjustments for the Loan Servicer efficiency subscore involve shifting the data source for the country risk metric to Allianz Trade. We also relocated most of the financial soundness ratios to the Buyback strength subscore and placed a greater emphasis on the operational processes, such as procedures, controls, and reporting quality.
Several sub-factors were recalibrated for the Buyback strength subscore revisions, which include focusing on the most pivotal indicators, reflecting the company’s financial stability, cashflow generation capability, and efficiency. The main ratios such as Equity/Assets, EBT/Assets, and ICR are now closely monitored. Alongside financial evaluation, attention is more concentrated on the company’s capacity to attract public funding, which is seen as enhancing the company’s transparency and growth potential.
And still additional more on the general scoring:
The Mintos Risk Score is an aggregate of four subscores that are assigned to four different aspects of particular loans underlying a Set of Notes. These subscores rate:
- loan portfolio performance (the portfolio health and historical performance of the loan book),
- loan servicer efficiency (the operational efficiency of the loan servicer evaluated through its procedures and controls during loan issuance and collection processes),
- buyback strength (the buyback obligor’s ability to fulfill contractual obligations, meet liquidity needs, and capital sufficiency), and
- cooperation structure (the legal setup between the loan issuing company and Mintos).
According to the significance we see in each subscore, the weights of the subscores are loan portfolio performance 40%, loan servicer efficiency 25%, buyback strength 25%, and legal structure 10%.
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I would also like to know more about the changes in the methodology
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