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Creditter + EcoFinance + Lime Zaim + Kviku


Komentarze: 116

  • Ilya Shpuntou

    You swallow Revo.

    You’ll have to come to terms with it somehow.

    I'll tell you what others won't tell you, for mintos you are nobody. lonely senseless cog.

    Don't be angry and swallow everything.


  • Fjvera

    Me gustaría que Mintos diera alguna explicación sobre qué está pasando con estas empresas, ya que llevan mucho tiempo sin realizar pagos y además el importe total de recuperación previsto es inferior al 100%. ¿se va a hacer lo mismo que con REVO?

    I would like Mintos to provide some explanation on what is happening with these companies, since they have not made payments for a long time and also the total expected recovery amount is less than 100%. Is it going to do the same as with REVO?

  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator

    Hola Fjvera,

    Gracias por su consulta. Nos gustaría recordarle que toda la información disponible que tenemos sobre cada empresa está a disposición de cualquier inversor en su cuenta en la sección de resumen de cuenta, haciendo clic en atrasado. Además, hay un artículo especial en nuestro blog dedicado exclusivamente a las actualizaciones sobre el impacto de la guerra entre Rusia y Ucrania, donde también proporcionamos información sobre cada una de estas empresas:

    La información que ofrecemos en las actualizaciones es la más precisa. Creemos que las actualizaciones mensuales son suficientemente frecuentes, y compartimos toda la información de que disponemos actualmente. Si algo cambia con respecto a lo que ya hemos comunicado, se reflejará también en las actualizaciones. Agradecemos su comprensión. 

    Si tiene alguna pregunta específica relacionada con su caso, póngase en contacto con nosotros directamente a través de este formulario: Muchas gracias.

  • Bruno

    Hi Lucja (Mintos),

    Dozarplati is opening a new bank account since April. Do you think that's normal? What are you doing to solve the issue?

  • Fjvera

    Buenas tardes,

    ¿Es Mintos consciente que otras plataformas de crowdlending han pagado ya casi el 100% de los prestamos pendientes de Rusia y Ucrania?

    Algo está fallando en la gestión realizada de Mintos con respecto a este problema para los inversores de la plataforma.

    Os pido que empecéis a gestionar este problema sin demora y, al ser posible, sin perdida monetaria para los inversores de la plataforma. No hagáis otro caso Revo, por favor.

    Un saludo.


    Good afternoon,

    Is Mintos aware that other crowdlending platforms have already paid almost 100% of the outstanding loans from Russia and Ukraine?

    Something is wrong with Mintos' management of this issue for investors on the platform.

    I ask that you begin to manage this problem without delay and, if possible, without monetary loss for the investors of the platform. Don't make another Revo case please.

    All the best.

  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator

    Good afternoon Fjvera,

    Thank you for sharing your concerns. To our knowledge, no other company in the industry has successfully obtained substantial repayments directly from Russian lending companies due to the imposed restrictions. In instances where investors have received partial repayments, it has been observed that these repayments are covered by other group entities engaged in lending, using their profits. However, in our specific situation, for instance, MikroKapital has been able to cover its own payments, but other companies lacking a group guarantee or substantial operations beyond Russia are unable to do so.

  • Fjvera

    Es curioso ver como empresas rusas y Ucranianas se han puesto al corriente de sus pagos (casi al 100%) en otras plataformas. Mientras, en MINTOS, aún se dan explicaciones que no convencen a nadie y apenas se ha recuperado el dinero de los inversores. Es más, lo poco que se ha recuperado ha sido con pérdidas para los inversores como en el caso de la entidad REVO.


    It is curious to see how Russian companies and Ukrainian have caught up with their payments (almost 100%) on other platforms. Meanwhile, in MINTOS, explanations are still given that do not convince anyone and the investors' money has hardly been recovered. What's more, the little that has recovered has been with losses for investors, as in the case of the REVO entity.

  • Bruno

    Hi Lucja (Mintos),

    Dozarplati is opening a new bank account since April. Do you think that's normal? What are you doing to solve the issue?

  • Fjvera

    Ayer, otra plataforma pagó casi 45 millones en prestamos pendientes de Rusia y Ucrania.

    Como he demostrado en otro post, que está es estado "pendiente de revisión" y que no vais a dejar publicar en el foro, algunas son entidades que SOLAMENTE trabajan en esas regiones.

    Por lo tanto, ruego que no engañen a los inversores con teorías falsas y que se pongan a trabajar para recuperar nuestro dinero como hacen otras plataformas.

    Muchas gracias.


    Yesterday, another platform paid almost 45 million in outstanding loans from Russia and Ukraine.

    As I have shown in another post that this is in a "pending review" status and that you are not going to let post on the forum, some are entities that ONLY work in those regions.

    Therefore, please do not mislead investors with false theories and get to work to get our money back like other platforms do.

    Thank you so much.

  • Bruno

    Lucja (Mintos), was Dozarplati able to open the bank account? Are 4 months not enough?

    Where is our money? What are you doing to recover that?


  • Fjvera

    ¿Va a recuperar MINTOS algo del dinero afectado por la guerra de Rusia y Ucrania para este mes de septiembre? Llevamos meses sin recuperar nada y nos estamos empezando a cansar de vuestra mala gestión de los problemas.

    Los inversores hemos puesto nuestro dinero en manos de MINTOS para que aporte seguridad y no constantes pérdidas.


    Is MINTOS going to recover some of the money affected by the war in Russia and Ukraine for this month of September? We haven't recovered anything for months and we're starting to get tired of your poor problem management.

    Investors have put our money in the hands of MINTOS so that it provides security and not constant losses.

  • Fjvera

    Otra plataforma de Crowdlending, no digo nombre para que se publique, ha pagado la totalidad de los prestamos pendientes de Rusia y casi el total de los prestamos pendientes de ucrania.

    Mientras tanto, MINTOS continúa mirando las nubes.

    Bien trabajado.


    Another Crowdlending platform, I will not name it so that it is published, has paid all of the outstanding loans from Russia and almost all of the outstanding loans from Ukraine.

    Meanwhile, MINTOS continues to look at the clouds.

    Well worked.

  • Bruno

    Lucja (Mintos),

    any comment? we miss your unbelievable excuses.

  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator

    Dear Investors,

    We appreciate your engagement and the concerns you've shared with us.

    As far as our research indicates, there has been limited success within our industry in securing substantial repayments directly from Russian and Ukrainian lending companies, largely due to the imposed restrictions. In situations where investors have received partial or full reimbursements, it has often been observed that these funds are derived from profits generated by other entities within their corporate group that are involved in lending activities. In contrast, MikroKapital has managed to cover its own financial commitments. However, for companies without the benefit of a group guarantee or extensive operations outside of Russia, the challenges have been more pronounced. Rest assured, we are actively dedicated to the recovery of the funds owed to our investors.

    As outlined in our regular monthly updates, in a few cases payments were received, and with the rest of the companies we are in discussions actively working on finding viable payment solutions. While some are grappling with the impact of sanctions, we are actively exploring alternative payment channels. Specifically, regarding Dozarplati, there has been a positive development. The client has successfully established a bank account with a non-sanctioned financial institution. This promising development significantly enhances the prospects of the first payment reaching us during September.

    We kindly encourage you to continue following our updates for further information on these developments. Thank you.

  • Ilya Shpuntou

    We will settle your declarations on October 1.

    1. How much money will be transferred?

    2. How many cents of 1euro in debt will we get back?

    3. Are you ashamed, about how does Mintos lie and manipulate?

  • Christopher

    On what basis did Kviku claim in court that they had not received any money from Mintos? Who really robbed us, Łucja, and who authorized you to forfeit 21 million € debt on our behalf to Kviku?

  • Ilya Shpuntou

    Lucja (Mintos),

    please reply to my and Christopher comment.

  • Ilya Shpuntou

    First reminder

  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator

    Thank you for submitting your questions and concerns. Our team is diligently verifying the information provided, and we will strive to get back to you as soon as possible.

  • Christopher

    Czy mogłabyś, Łucja, chociaż raz udzielić konkretnej odpowiedzi na nasze pytania? Od prawie 2 lat ponoszę straty na Mintos, a Urząd Skarbowy nęka mnie z powodu fałszywej księgowości. Jeśli Twój zespół woli kontakt z kancelarią prawną lub firmą windykacyjną, nie ma problemu.

  • Ilya Shpuntou

    Lucja (Mintos),

    3. Are your team know yet? Of course, after careful verification and every effort.
    Lucja, Are you ashamed, about how does Mintos lie and manipulate?

    4. How many days will it take the team to answer this question?


  • Ilya Shpuntou

    Second reminder

  • Fjvera

    Lucja (Mintos) ,otras plataformas han recuperado ya el 90.64% de los prestamos de Rusia y Ucrania.

    - Creditter = 14%
    - EcoFinance = 13%
    - Lime Zaim = 8%
    - SOS Credit = 4%

    ¿De verdad creéis que estáis haciendo bien vuestro trabajo?

    Seguid así y os quedaréis sin inversores.


    Lucja (Mintos), other platforms have already recovered 90.64% of loans from Russia and Ukraine.

    - Creditter = 14%
    - EcoFinance = 13%
    - Lime Zaim = 8%
    - SOS Credit = 4%

    Do you really think you are doing your job well?

    Continue like this and you will be left without investors.

  • Bruno

    You have to add to your list:

    - Dozarplati = 0%

    - Kviku = 0% 

  • Vincent Merlino

    Guys don't ask Mintos to do something they don't care...
    For me there is more and more lack of transparency. Worst... lies... 

    They lie about all the situation with Russia and Ukraine about ID Finance, WoWo ... 

    Accept your lost and leave the platform. Let some comments on Trustpilot to counter their massive fake reviews! 

  • Ilya Shpuntou

    Third reminder

  • Ilya Shpuntou

    Fourth reminder

  • Ilya Shpuntou

    Lucja, I'm worried about you.

    Get back to me as soon as you can.

  • Ilya Shpuntou

    fifth, sixth, and seventh reminder

  • Ilya Shpuntou

    eighth reminder


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