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ID Finance Spain and Mexico Update


Komentarze: 140

  • Bruno

    sure sure ...

    but they had funding to open a new and big (1500m2) office in Barcelona, but not to pay their creditors ...

  • Vincent Merlino

    So the new schedule 

    4 155 335 € in recovery (at this moment this is not late payment) 

    - 150.000 € expected in september


    -150.000€ expected on october 


    -150.000 expected on november 



    So u really expect that ID Finance will pay 3.705.335 on december when they can't respect the last promise. 

    U are totally incompetent and stupid to think they will succeeed this time. 

  • Vincent Merlino

    Simply coz Mintos is a Ponzi and need more time to steal money ;)

  • Mint_Swindled

    Welcome to the world of the unanswered questions and customer service.

    Welcome to Mintos.

  • Christopher

    Hello Lucja. I saw the new repayment schedule. The problem is that for the last 7 months I received only one interest payment from these LOs. ID Eurasia has calculated that I am owed pending interest of 0.72% per month and ID Finance 10%. Nor have they repurchased a single loan. For 7 months I only got 82 cents. What's that supposed to be?



    Is ID finance keeping the agreed repayment plan? Iyt is not clear to me that they whether or not they have paid on 15/1/23.

  • Bruno

    I'm aware of that, but they have also reported profits of  more than 10M - it's not on that tweet.

    Did they pay you the promised pending payment interest as well?

    I'm exposed to the Mexican instance only, which "will" start to pay by the end of March only. My question here is that, during their best year, they didn't fulfill their obligations with us, and Mintos didn't protect us either. If you remember, 1 year ago we started to complaint, and the best we got (in July) was a statement that ID Finance has to pay until the end of 2022. Reached the end of 2022, it was pushed to end of July again.

  • Bruno

    Lucja (Mintos) - I've received yesterday, from ID Finance Mexico, 281.23€ ("Principal received from loan repurchase"), plus 5.33 ("Interest received from loan repurchase").

    I haven't received the portion of "Pending payment interest". When can we expect this? As it's not being paid together with the principal amount, is interest on pending payment still counting?

  • Bruno

    Hi Lucja (Mintos),

    Please note that I'm not referring to paid pending payment interest.

    I'm asking, how do you track open pending payment interest, given that the principal amount was already paid, and how can your investors track the same.


  • Bruno

    Lucja (Mintos),

    You didn't answer my question completely, but I will add, once more, the missing portion:

    1. How do you, Mintos, track open pending payment interest, given that the principal amount was already paid?
  • Bruno

    Lucja (Mintos),

    It has been more than 1 week since I've raised the question the first time, which I then had to repeat several times. I will repeat it once more: 

    1. How do you, Mintos, track open pending payment interest, given that the principal amount was already paid?


    In addition to that, and once more, ID Finance did not fulfil the plan, and here we are, fooled again, with a new plan ...


  • Bruno

    Lucja (Mintos),

    I want to know how much ID Finance owes me in pending payment interest. How can I know that?

    In addition, now that "Pending Payments" moved to the Overdue page, we lost the weekly updates. Can you confirm that?

  • Bruno

    Lucja (Mintos), 

    That's bullshit. Without weekly updates, how do we know if "restructured" cases are fulfilling their obligations? This is just another way to hide they are not paying as planned. Plus, you were criticized for poor transparency and communication, and you now stopped weekly updates... good job.

    Once more, you didn't answer my question: I want to know how much ID Finance owes me in pending payment interest. 

  • Mint_Swindled

    Hi Bruno,

    I am sorry to see the pain you are going through.

    Mintos has run a bonus campaign to incentivize investments in ID Finance when the company was already not attending its payments. Mintos has played against its customers (investors) in a way I find very unethical, though legal.

    In November 2022 I sent a question to receive an extraction of the list of my payments including the loan ID (so it can be used in a court), and as of today (April 2023) I have not received anything, just emails saying they are facing technical difficulties and they will provide later. This is totally playing with me. You say you move millions and billions of euros, and for six months you are unable to provide a list with my investments? This is the worst joke ever.

    Bruno, I can tell you will not get a satisfactory answer from Mintos. The only satisfaction will be the day you recover your last penny and close the account. I can tell you I had a sizeable balance in Mintos. Then the pending payments kicked in. What I did is to sell all ID Finance, and later all the others loans, in the secondary market, passing the s*** to a Mintos-lover so s/he can enjoy the same joy I do.

    From that sizeable position one year ago, now I have less than 70 EUR, and as soon as I get last penny back I will close my account, and invest the money in a serious and respectful company which not surprisingly are in the life known locations: Germany, France, UK, etc. No more funny companies like Mintos for me. No way.

    Mintos has no interest in defending investors' interest. When a company does not pay, they give them an extension, and then another extension, and then another.

    And there is no real tracking available to you of the payments done per individual loan, so the famous 1.4x or 1.6x multiplier they say they do is immpossible to check.


    I wish you all the best, and in the meantime, I would suggest you to pass the s***. Release and run.


  • Bruno

    I highly doubt they will make it.

    And on top of that, they have to pay additional pending payment interest, so the total amount will be above 4M.  

  • Christopher

    Hello Lucja. Can you tell me if ID Finance intends to pay the outstanding pending interest? If yes then when ? I have only received one payment from them in the last 7 months and that was 10% per month. Similar to IDF Eurasia where they charged me pending interest of 0.7% per month. Is this a technical error or are they still playing us like this

  • Alen

    The amount of restructured pending payments paid is the same as before so I guess they didn't payed anything. Mintos, please confirm.

  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator

    Dear Investors,

    Lending companies are paying, and they are now at the agreed level they should be. We await if they execute the payment that is supposed to happen on Wednesday. If so, we should include it in the report.

  • Kamill Ariston Chudoba

    Dear Mintos,

    according to the details that were shared with investors on the planned repayment there should be a payment made on February 31st... to my knowledge February only has 28 days(29 every four years).
    Was this seriously just overlooked and never corrected and what does this mean for Mintos investors?

  • Bruno

    Hi Kamill Ariston Chudoba,

    It just means that they probably didn't even look at it, and threw random dates and values just to keep us looking at the carrot.

  • Bruno

    It worked indeed (for you so far), but personally, it is quite frustrating to have your money stuck their with some deadlines completely ignored by Mintos.

    You can check that on the top right corner of the overview page - click on the image icon > Statement > filter by date and payment type "Interest received from Pending Payments". Then, I guess you'll have to do your math to confirm that they did pay what was planned. 


    This very strange. Some investors gets 99% of their pending payment back last week. And I did not get any payment at all. That does not make any sence.


    Within 9 months they were unable to pay around 300eur for finished loans ID finance spain on my account. Lucja (Mintos)  are you sure that Mintos will not again fail that all money will be returned until 31.march 2023?


  • Bruno

    Ridiculous. Lucja (Mintos), can you explain?

  • Bruno

    Lucja (Mintos) any update here?


    Anybody from Mintos can reply? Or we are at a dead end?  

  • Bruno

    They probably left Mintos, it's running on its own now.

  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator

    Dear Investors, 

    Thank you all for your comments, and sincere apologies for the delay in responding. We are currently looking into this, and will get back to you as soon as possible.

  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator

    Stanley Bruno IVAN POSPÍŠIL 

    The interest on pending payment is still counting and is paid separately from the pending payment and regular interest. The payments are done in batches, and you should receive them as soon as they're processed.

  • Stanley

    Christopher with due respect, you're quite jumping ahead, last time I checked (the last week), they were in accordance with the restructured schedule 


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