Payback action
Dear Fabian Simon Walter, yes, the cashback campaign rewards are paid as rules stated in the Terms and Conditions. It means that you should have already received your bonus.
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Thank you a lot, Anna! =)
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I'm waiting 5month to recieve more than 400EUR from ID Finance and still nothing. This is helpless and useless. I'm starting to come to the fact that I won't see the money at all. And stop using Mintos completely. They are not able to keep their promises to customer who are willing to loan money.
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Thank you for your comment.
We have already explained the situation related to ID finance in the updates regarding pending payments:
According to the agreement, the outstanding pending payments have to be covered by 31 Dec 2022 at the latest. We have agreed that if ID Finance finishes its ongoing funding initiatives faster, the pending payments will be covered as soon as the funds are received.
To compensate investors for rolling over their investments, the interest rate for pending payments has been increased to 1.4 times the original interest rate of the loan (on average 17.6%), which is significantly above the current market rate (average 14.4%).0 -
I have about 250€ pending from ID Finance Mexico and I also treat these as pretty much as 0€ value. At the end of December I would be surprised if the full value have been paid. 10e back would be positive surprise. Let's see!
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