Credistar Estonia pending payments
What is going on with Credistar Estonia? I am seeing pending payments for weeks now.
That's all fine and looking good, but my pending payments from Creditar are still the same...
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6 more days have passed, I still don't see any payments from Credistar Estonia on my Pending Payments!!
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Hi Annija,
It's now the beginning of June, I haven't seen any payment from Credistar Estonia...
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Bla bla bla .. the same joke every time
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You know what Annija? This is what will now happen more often because of the Wowwo fiasco.
Now the LOs know that if they just stop paying, Mintos will do nothing and the investors get screwed!!
YOU NEED TO HAVE A LEGAL TEAM DROWNING A NON-PAYING LO IN LEGAL PROCESSESS ON DAY 1 OF NON-COMPLIANCE! That's the only way you will keep them paying, out of fear of legal action.
No company in the world will operate on behalf of good will towards 3rd party investors, they don't care.
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Why Creditstar can still publish new loans on Mintos ? Do you want more people not to get their money back ?
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Cardplus, I have not deligated anything. Please don't treat me and the other in this chat as small children. We have read carefully before investing. I know what I have deligated and what not. Probably you didn't and that is why you are so happy with Mintos (or you just work for Mintos). I don't care which of the two options is. I just want more information and in case you can't provide it, don't bother to write to me.
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Hi everyone;
From what I see in the Creditstar pending payments reports evolution, it appears that the amounts that are being transferred on a weekly basis by Creditstar are not being destined to reducing the pending payments, as these have been rolled out until 31/12/2022 and the pending amount is just the same every week, even though the company is transferring money to Mintos.
I assume that the amounts received are being destined to comply with live investments, but I would be grateful if someone from Mintos could confirm this (Lucja?).
Thanks in advance for your help :)
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Hi Annija,
I've read the report, and it doesn't match reality. You say Creditar is paying, but my pending amount from Creditar Estonia has been growing for many weeks.
I understand investing has risks, but we want more transparency. Don't tell us a LO is paying if we don't see any change in pending total!1 -
she said that the payments will be in the beginning of June, but she did not say the year..............
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To check what Annija if mintos is a ponzi????
It’s a fact we are locked and we can’t cash out our money
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my money?
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respectful to the investors???who? mintos ??? Lol
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check what @ Lucja (Mintos) ?? the pending amounts amounts that are keep increasing or the amounts in recovery from Kviku, Wowwo, Revo and many more that are keep increasing as well ???
ENOUGH with your non sense answers ...
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As stated above its the new woww , kviku, revo etc etc and it seems that Mintos doesnt care ...suspicious ....
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Outstanding payments are not being paid. Investors do not see the pending amounts fall.
In addition, in the last report, dated August 26 2022, MINTOS has decided not to inform investors of the amounts paid by CREDISTAR in the last week. For MINTOS it is enough to put the phrase "Creditstar has covered pending payments due this week"
I don't know who is to blame, but the platform is being destroyed as investors trust MINTOS less and less.
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Dear Mintos,
I've been tracking the amount of pending payments for several weeks. They are frozen at the amount of €8,300,273 and no pending payments are covered. Does this mean that all payments made from Credistar are for current investments and nothing is transferred for panding payments? You wrote that the pending payments will be covered till 31st December but you never mentioned that no pending payment will be covered before that date. You wrote that You have "agreed" with Credistar the schedule for pending payments. I have not agreed such. I am the invester and I bear the risk. I have not agreed to wait for pending payments till the end of the year. And still you decide what to do with my money and when to return them to me. It is a matter of politeness at least to keep us informed and share with us the schedule for pending payments transfer from Credistar. In case I bear the risk, I want to have the power to decide what is the risk. And you don't provide the necessary information for this. Instead of this you decided what shall be done with my money. Let me say it again - MY MONEY, MY RISK and no information from your side what you have decided with Credistar for my money.
In case you have intent to answer me, please don't send me a link to a common information that is on your platform. I have already read it. As probably most of the investors here. The reason we are writing in this forum is that we ask for more information (specific and detailed).
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Creditstar's outstanding payments are not going down. Please review what is happening so that we investors can make use of our money as soon as possible. Thank you!!!
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well said penka.ivanova
cardplus "This deal that Mintos got with Creditstar was actually quite great for investors. Good job, Mintos" hahaha maybe we should thank Mintos .... keep up the good work ..
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I am a critic of Mintos when things aren't well managed, but I must also be fair and congratulate when things get solved.
In the past 2 weeks I've seen my Pending Payments from Credistar go down by 50%, so it seems the agreement is working. Good job
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Jorge Rodriguez Carrascal thank you for your comment. Creditstar transfers on weekly basis the amount which is destined to cover old pending payments. But it needs to be remembered that there are additional pending payments from newer investments appearing each week. As per our agreement, the company only pays a sum equivalent to the weekly increase above the restructured sum, so the amount of the pending payments left to pay each week remains the same: 8.3M EUR.
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Hello Annija,
You report, just like last month, says "Creditstar continues to make weekly transfers, decreasing the pending payment amount.".
If this is true, how is it that my pending payment amount from Creditar is only growing for more than a month?0 -
Hi Annija,
On the 27th of may the following update was given on creditstar pending payments:
"To remind, we agreed with the management of Creditstar that proceeds from
bonds (, which will be received
during the first week of June, will be used to fully cover the
company's pending payments."Can you please give us an update on this agreement with creditstar?
Nothing about the bonds funds is mentioned in recent updates and we are in the third week of june now.
Will all pending payments be fully covered soon?
Thank you.
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Hi Annija,
We are not asking for Mintos to do magic, I understand risks and fluctuations in LO activity and financials.
What we want is accurate and truthful information. Has Creditar paid or not? Is there money coming in and will it reduce Pending Payments?0 -
Another 2 weeks have gone by, and my Pending Payments from Creditar Estonia are still the same after 2 months.
What is going on? Is Credistar paying or not?0 -
No, they are not.
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Mintos, Annija, why no response here? What is going on?
You say in your reports that Credistar is paying, yet nothing gets to our pending payments.
Be transparent! Share information! What is the REAL status?
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We should all accept that we will never receive our money
I am selling everything to minimize my loss and never again with Mintos… oh wait the shut down secondary market so I am locked for many years ….good job Mintos !
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Credistar is still proposing new loan on the primary market. That's a shat. I get the impression it's a ponzi : new investors are paying for the old investors. But there is less and less new investors. So old investors cannot be paid.
Mintos is losing his credibility by not tell us the truth. : each week, the promise "next week", "next month", "soon" but nothing occurs...
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