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31 opmerkingen

  • Vincent Merlino

    Can Mintos answer ! Problem is really important ! 

  • Petra Christina Zaagman

    @... @... can you please explain what the purpose of these forums is, if questions from investors are still not noticed after a week? Mintos needs to start taking its communication with invesors seriously.

  • Permanently deleted user
    Community manager

    Hi Vincent Merlino, Cristian Lazăr, Petra Christina Zaagman,

    thank you for your question. We are looking into this and will get back as soon as we have an update.

  • Edwin

    Only have about 200 in it. But currently 100% is late. First will be 60 days in 6 days. So will see what happens with it.

  • Vincent Merlino

    100% of loans for me... 
    Really stressfull situation...


    I have about 50/50. All are late at this stage but about 40% of them have made payments in the past. But still looks highly suspicious that all are late, getting close to 60 days (so we´ll see soon if the buyback works).

  • Vincent Merlino

    2 days to find information ? What are u really doing Mintos ? Annija any update should be great... 
    What is the purpose of a forum if nobody take case seriously...

  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator


    We are sorry for the late reply. We took our time to clarify all details together with the lending company. It has been confirmed by DanaRupiah that pending payments were caused by a technical error on their side, while there are no issues with their portfolio. The problem should be resolved soon. We thank you for your patience and understanding.

  • Cristian Lazăr

    I see that they post new loans, so the company is still active. I'm worried as well though. Any information would be appreciated.

  • Cristian Lazăr

    If anyone else has this issue, would you please leave a comment here? Or on the contrary, if the loans of DanaRupiah are going well for you, also let us know. I think it would be useful to know the scale of the issue. Thank you!

  • Cristian Lazăr

    Great news! Thank you for taking care of it and keeping us up to date! You're the best!

  • Petra Christina Zaagman

    Hi Lucja (Mintos) thank you for getting back to us and clarifying the situation. We appreciate it.

  • Vincent Merlino

    Thanks a lot Lucja. 

    It's a good news and happy to hear it. 
    One question remains : Do they give any information about the time they could resolve this problem ? 

    Already 2 months now it could be great to have a deadline. 


  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator

    Vincent Merlino, DanaRuphia is aware of the issue and is working on the solution, but we have not been provided with any estimated deadline by them so far. As soon as we've got more details, we will share them with investors.

  • Cristian Lazăr

    I saw this morning, in my pending payments, a loan + the interest from DanaRupiah. I know this is no guarantee, but I take it as a good sign!


    There is no word on pending payments update about Dana Rupiah but I undestand several of their payments are there. I somehow doubt the amount is very small, so that they are not included because of that.

  • Cristian Lazăr

    They are still in Pending Payments in my case. 3 loans appear in Finished Investments as being done on 12, 14 and 17 April, but the payments are not yet made. It probably takes time to clean up their mess, but I assume if the payments are in the Pending Payments it is just a question of time until the money arrives. If a payment gets done I will post a comment here. If anyone has any other news please let us know!

  • Cristian Lazăr

    Good news! The payments for DanaRupia's April 12 and 14th just got in (+ the interests). So it appears that it's just a matter of time.

  • Perhaps it will still take some time, but a large portion of my investments are stil in pending payment from Dana Rupiah. Any updates at the moment?


    I have none in pending payments anymore. There are a few late but none in pending payments anymore.

  • Petra Christina Zaagman

    I have quite a lot in pending at the moment. Fingers crossed it'll be processed soon.

  • Vincent Merlino

    I received some payment but since 26/04/2022 again nothing... 
    It's like ID Finance Mexico... Promsie but nothing happen...

  • Cristian Lazăr

    I have a lot of them pending, they seem to stay longer there (up to a week), but, in my case, they all go through in the end, so I receive the principal plus the interest. I've noticed that during the weekend transfers go slower or even stagnate, so I expect on Monday or Tuesday 2 or 3 more loans to come in.

  • Petra Christina Zaagman

    @... is the problem resolved on DanaRupiah's end? I have over 250 euros pending from them at the moment.

  • Vincent Merlino

    Still no improvment about payment...
    The pending payment become more and more important... 
    I hope a better situation tommorow 

  • Permanently deleted user
    Community manager

    Dear Petra Christina Zaagman,

    As previously confirmed by DanaRupiah - pending payments were caused by a technical error on their side, while there were no issues with their portfolio. The technical issue is solved, however, Indonesia is on a public holiday all this week, which means that no banks are open, so no transfers can be made. Transfers should reach us next week.

  • Petra Christina Zaagman

    Hi Annija,

    Thank you for the update, that explains it :)

  • Vincent Merlino

    Thanks for information.

    Holidays are over so it's time to see if it's the truth or not ... 

  • Vincent Merlino

    Maybe I'm impatient but still nothing... I expected that but still frustrating ...

  • Dorin

    Hi ! In my portofolio the sum of Dana Rupiah pending payments is permanently encreasing , 2 weeks or maybe longer my accont did not receive any money from them. Dear Mintos team, we need info and solutions, please




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