Credistar and ID Finance not paying loans
Hi Mintos,
What is going on with Credistar and ID Finance loans?
I have invested in about 75 new loans from these two companies, and nearly all haven't made a single payment yet.
Is there anything systemically wrong with Credistar or ID Finance?
I had a couple loans of creditstar in pending payments the last couple of days but it seems most of them have been paid today.
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Hi Rodrigo Valle Teixeira,
we have not noticed any problems with this lending company.
Could we kindly ask you to provide us with loan IDs to check your case in-depth?
Please submit the form here:
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Same thing is also happening to me, with a lot of Creditstar issued loans [both from Estonia or Finland] they are staying in Pending payments.
Also, from last Friday, [at least] I see that new loans issued by Credistar are not available for investments.
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Just seen this topic, replied to same in this thread:
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