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Weekly Pending Payments updates Q&A


5 opmerkingen

  • Michael Buell

    Hello Annija,
    I have 160368.35 KZT outstanding payments from IDF Eurasia.
    As you reported, it is because the payment channels are closed because of the Russia sanctions. However, the payments were made by the debtors to IDF Eurasia. I'm wondering, firstly, will I get interest for this period, and secondly, why isn't it being made possible to reinvest the funds into IDF E so it can keep working. This would only have to be offset, without cash flow.

    Best regards


  • Elissavet Koumi

    Good morning,

    I agree with the comment above on reinvesting. It feels like a feature of this type would solve the problem both ways. I would argue that it should be automatic as well, i.e. if one invests in a loan, anything pending from the originator should be used up first, and suplemented by uninvested funds as needed. 

    Best regards,


  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator

    Hi Michael and Elissavet,

    Thank you for your comments.

    According to our last update, IDF Eurasia has successfully released the funds necessary for the planned payments during this week. A €1.1m payment has been made on 8 April and another €1m payment will be done early next week. The initial schedule was moved slightly forward as banks in Kazakhstan are processing payments manually, and they take a few working days more than before. IDF Eurasia will update its payment plan to cover pending payments in full and continue making weekly payments from both entities. Investors will also receive pending payment of interest in full. 

    Investments and repayments are offset against each other, and only the difference is transferred upon settlement. This means that new investments made by investors may indeed be used to release a part of the pending payments on the platform. You can read more about the technical setup of pending payments on our blog: https://www.mintos.com/blog/pending-payments-everything-you-wanted-to-know/.

  • Michael Buell

    Hi Lucja,


    many thanks this information. 

    The investments and investments are offset against each other isdt only logical from my point of view. However, this only seems to apply to payments between Mintos and the lenders. As a Mintos investor, it is not possible to reinvest the outstanding amount with the same lender.

  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator

    Hi Michael,

    The technical setup of pending payments does not allow for this. If new investments exceed repayments and the difference in settlement can be used to release pending payments, the oldest pending payments from the lending company on the platform are released first. This is done on a platform-wide level, not individually. The order in which pending payments are released is described in this Help Center article: https://help.mintos.com/hc/en-us/articles/4407074207633-How-are-settlement-payments-allocated-to-investors-


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