Mintos Notes base prospectuses
Dear Investors,
recently we published a blog post about Mintos Notes base prospectuses:
The key takeaways from this article are:
- Prospectus document is based on the Prospectus Regulation
- The Mintos Notes base prospectuses will define Mintos-based structures such as association to lending companies, payment flows, and risks
- Each lending company will have a dedicated base prospectus
- Details not defined in the Mintos Notes base prospectus will be defined in the “Final Terms”
- The annexed document “Final Terms” will serve as an “identification card” for each Set of Notes
- Lending companies on Mintos will gradually transition to the new setup
Let us know if you have any comments or questions about the Mintos Notes base prospectus topic. We'll be happy to respond, and improve our content by addressing your questions in the upcoming FAQ about prospectus for more clarity!
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