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Auto-invest settings with gender and a range of age


5 opmerkingen

  • Stephan Mallmann

    I can understand the age but GENDER???? WTF

  • Ben

    sure, why not? In my experience, women are more likely to pay back their loans than men

  • Stephan Mallmann

    You may be right and I really don't wanna judge you for something but from an ethical perspective, you can't do this.
    What about the X gender? How do they pay back their loans :-D


    Best regards

  • Christian Meixner

    Credit scoring by gender is discriminating and illegal in some countries.

  • Ben

    In my opinion, it has nothing to do with an ethnic perspective or any form of discrimination. These are simply empirical values that I have made with which I can best reduce my risk. But yeah, everyone can handle it differently.

    About x Gender, science clearly proves that more than two genders do not exist, sooo... for me, it´s just a waste of time to think about such things


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