Pinjam Yuk - all loans 100% late ??
According to your stats,all loans from Pinjam Yuk are late (100% late).
99.5% are 30-60 days late!
Mintos, what is going with Pinjam Yuk? Why would anyone invest in a LO that has 0% current loans?? Yet the LO is still active and has loans available.
Some information would be beneficial to your investors please.
Looking at the statistics on
All "personal loans" are indeed majority "30-60 days late".
Most of the "Revolving pool" loans are current, around 8,5m EUR (95,5%). There is around 400k EUR (4,5%) in the grace period of these type of loans.
At the primary and secondary market there are no single "personal loans" available. They are currently all packaged in "Revolving pool" loans.
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Dear investors,
Please note that the statistics 30-60 days late refers to delayed borrower repayments. As all the Notes issued via Mintos automatically come with a buyback obligation, the lending company is obliged to repurchase all the loans that are delayed for more than 60 days and you receive back your principal together with the accrued interest. If there are any other specific questions, please get in touch with us via and we would be happy to address all your questions or concerns individually.
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