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13 opmerkingen

  • Greg R

    Based on my experience with Zenka, my advice is: STAY AWAY!

    I was attracted to Zenka because of the high interests they publish (between 16.5% and 18.5%). However, the reality is that the performance of the loan portfolio, rated 5.1/10 by Mintos, is most probably way lower than that. It's actually so bad that Zenka has no other choice than extending many times (up to 6) the term of the loans. As a result, an investment that was meant to last one month can turn into a 7 months investment (it also means that your money is stuck in these notes up to 7 months!). Besides, many loans have to be bought back by Zenka because borrowers fail to follow the repayment schedule. All in all, the yield on my Zenka loans so far is around 5% annualized, which is extremely disappointing.

    One more point, you will notice that there's no group guarantee for Zenka, which could be catastrophic if the company runs into trouble.

    In september 2022, Zenka license was missing from the list published by the central bank of Kenya (which also regulates the non-banking digital lenders).

    (here's the link: https://kisasanews.com/tala-branch-zenka-loan-apps-missing-in-cbks-list-of-lenders)

    In November 2022, in order to regain its license, Zenka had to write off a small portion of its portfolio that related to its most vulnerable borrowers (yes, Zenka past practises are questionable).

    (here's the link: https://www.the-star.co.ke/business/kenya/2022-11-21-zenka-follows-cbk-orderwrites-off-sh166m-of-customers-debt/)

    After the write-off, in March 2023, Zenka regained its license.

    (here's the link: https://techweez.com/2023/03/27/cbk-approved-10-more-loan-apps/)

    Today, Zenka operations seem to run smoothly and according to regulations. Nevertheless, the risk of its license being revoked again (for any reason) does exist.

    In the past, Mintos approach to this kind situation has always resulted in financial loss for its customers: Varks (Armenia), Wowwo (Turkey), Revo (Russia)...

    So research thoroughly your investment opportunities and proceed with caution!


  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator

    Dear Investors,

    Thank you for your inquiries and feedback.

    We would like to inform you that the lending company is currently facing some technical challenges with their API system. However, the team is actively working towards resolving the issue at the earliest convenience.

    We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time, as we strive to provide you with the best possible service. We will keep you updated.

  • name

    First it was technical issues, now it is process-related... Reminds me of ID Finance where mintos was also lying all along...

    Any more new lies Lucja?

  • Jonas Kai Rappold

    Lucja (Mintos) Pending Payments in Zenka are growing rapidly. As @... already mentionend no new loans are issued. An update on this case by Mintos seems inevitable.

  • Jonas Kai Rappold

    Lucja (Mintos) Thank you for the fast response. It's a pity that investors have to start worrying and posting comments about outstanding amounts to get a clarification. As I can see Zenka was moved to "In recovery". Maybe just put it there right away in the future and add a specific comment. Would make communication much more easier for all of us.


    Well, we'll see the truth about this soon.

    For time being, many people is selling Zenka loans at discount in secondary market...



  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator

    Dear Investors,

    Here is the latest update that can also be found on your account in the overdue section:

    There has been a delay in the renewal of the prospectus which has resulted in a larger than usual negative settlement, which was not matched by the respective cash inflow from Notes. We have agreed that Zenka will cover at least 50k EUR /week till the new prospectus approval (estimate - next two weeks) and then accelerate payments.

  • Fjvera

    Dentro de dos semanas veremos si MINTOS nos vuelve a mentir a los inversores. 

    Sinceramente, estoy cansado de vuestras mentiras y falta de información constante sobre nuestro dinero.

    Si con ZENKA no se cumple lo que habéis dicho, será la última vez que invierta en MINTOS y me llevaré todo mi dinero a otra plataforma de crowdlending. Por cierto, hay varias que lo están haciendo mucho mejor que vosotros.


    In two weeks we will see if MINTOS is lying to investors again.

    Honestly, I am tired of your lies and constant lack of information about our money.

    If what you have said is not fulfilled with ZENKA, it will be the last time I invest in MINTOS and I will take all my money to another crowdlending platform. By the way, there are several platform that are doing much better than MINTOS.


  • Jevgenij Jegorov


    As far as I know, Zenka had some kind of chain of problems: API, then problems with the Bank. Seems logical. Anyway, they started paying today. Patience, just patience

  • Nicolas Mayer

    Thank you for your feedback on this company. 

    I tried to diversify with more short term loan but the 1st and only loan i bought from them is already at a sweet and nice 100% late.

    Loan performance should be monitored more strictly.

  • Fjvera

    Buenos días,

    me gustaría saber si MINTOS puede dar una explicación de por qué la mayoría de los prestamos de ZENKA están en retraso.



    Good morning,

    I would like to know if MINTOS can provide an explanation as to why most of ZENKA's loans are late.

    Thank you!

  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator

    Dear Investors,

    Thank you for sharing your concerns with us. Please note that our Overdue updates provide the latest and most accurate information available. Our team believes that weekly updates strike a balance between providing timely information while ensuring the data shared is as comprehensive as possible. We are closely monitoring the situation and any pertinent developments will be reflected in future updates. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work to address any questions or concerns you may have.

  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator

    Hi Fjvera

    As Zenka was acquired by Sun Finance, there might be some technical aspects to be solved, including the API connection. We are currently investigating, why correct statuses are not being received.


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