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You can't invest in this Set of Notes, as you've already invested in it with an automated strategy



  • Robert


  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator

    Thank you for sharing your insights. We see your point, however as we informed in the email, all automated strategies (both custom automated strategies and Mintos strategies) are set to not invest in the same Set of Notes repeatedly. This is a global setting used to limit investors’ exposure to a particular borrower and improve diversification and cannot be changed. If you want your custom automated strategy to invest bigger amounts in a particular Set of Notes, please review your single investment amount values.

  • Robert

    This is a completely arbitrary and intransparent restriction which also makes no sense from a practical point of view.

    Some Lending Companys offer only a very small number of very large business loans (or simply have a limited supply of loans with the desired properties e.g. interest rate). At some point I would like to increase my investment (or just reinvest partial or early repayments) but I am unable to do with this system because I am already invested in all available loans. Raising the investment amount per Note, as suggested, does not allow to reinvest in a Note.

    This rule actually encourages to invest larger amounts into fewer Notes, to retain the possibility of investment in the remaining Notes, thus actually hurting diversification instead of helping it.

    And restricting manual investment, based on what a automated strategy might have done, is a big No anyway. Regulation already forced us to invest into bundles of loans instead of being able to self-select them individually, this further restriction (invented by Mintos?) is just more patronizing.

  • cardplus

    Thank you, Robert. Always good to know, that i am not the onlyone who finds this logic silly.

  • Dragos-Cristian Vasilescu

    Some years ago Mintos had a setting in the custom automated strategies to invest or not in already invested loans.

    I guess investor control over how to use their own money is not a big priority anymore (especially when the investors are not beginners). 

    Suggestion: allow the option to choose for those investors that have experience according to the apropriateness and suitability test that all investors have to take anyway.

  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator

    Dear Investors,

    This change was made on 23 August 2021, and we informed all investors about this by email. We needed to make this adjustment to ensure a seamless experience when investing in Notes. Thanks to this, the portfolio doesn't become overexposed to loans or Notes the investor's already invested in. Thank you for sharing your opinion and suggestion on this topic. We will take it into consideration if it is possible.

  • Japke

    I understand the rational for the additional protection for the general investor by limiting the exposure to a particular Note. However at the moment when you have set up an auto invest strategy that aims at very specific conditions and when the LO is publishing only a handful of Notes that match these conditions, it would be great to have the option to invest in a particular Note that you have already invested in before.

    For instance, when you set the "Investment per set of Notes" range in your strategy between 50 and 200 euro, it would be great if the auto invest would attempt to fill it up to the maximum amount when there are no other Notes available that match your specific conditions. 

    It would be a feature that is aimed at the larger investor and/or the investor with a very specific taste in Notes.

  • Daniel Brabenetz

    that doesn't make sense. I have money and I want to invest but mintos doesn't let me.

    i want to be able to invest my money where I want and I can understand that auto invest doesn't do that for reasons above. but to not let me manually invest in notes is silly. I am an adult, can read and passed the test as an investor.

    the problem occurs when there are really big notes where auto invest investested 50 euro because there was not more free money in my account. the next day when there are hundreds euro in my account free to invest mintos says no sorry you can't invest more because yesterday you already invested 50 euros there and it is now locked (because of diversification?). even if I have my auto invest from 50-1000 for this notes.

    so please give us investors the freedom to invest at least manually where we want. but then I also don't understand why it matters if I invest money over a few days in a note or all at once in one transaction if that all meets my minimum and maximum limit for the auto invest for a note.

  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator

    We understand your point of view but, unfortunately, due to technical factors, it is not possible to change this setup at the moment. Nevertheless, we will take your feedback into account in case other options appear in the future.

  • cardplus

    Anyways, because of this glitch I had to close all my autoinvests on my all accounts. That leaves me an opportunity to at least manually invest to suitable loans.

    Can not say that this makes my life easier.. And I guess for Mintos this is also not the greatest when capital is reallocated with delay.


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