Why regulated?
Please let the Investors know which advanages (facts) Investors really have if Mintos is regulated?
The only differences I see:
- the income tax of 10%-20%.
- The risk remains the same, it is still possible to loose the money in loans.
- Average lending period is much longer.
- Interest is not higher, even lower.
These are the only points (facts) investors are interested in.
I can not see any advantage for me as an investor.
Dear JH
I am afraid the advantages are not supposed to be for investors :(
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that's how it is. many words to say that the investor is more protected, but in what? the risk of non-payment is the same.
What the investor is looking for is to increase the interest with low risk, and MINTOS has worsened in this.
- same risk
- less interest and payment of taxes
- Increase in the minimum amount to invest, reducing the diversification between lending companies
- And the worst of all for the investor is that pending payments are increasing day by day, without clear answers from MINTOS.I would like to see the global investment data in MINTOS for weeks before and after the implementation of NotesI would like to see the global investment data in MINTOS per week before and after the implementation of Notes
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Dear JH,
In a summary, the investors will benefit from Mintos being regulated on the several levels:
- investors protection (we introduce the investor compensation scheme)
- the safeguarding of investors' assets
- the offering on Mintos is suitable and appropriate to investors given their financial situation, knowledge, experience, and investment goals
- a higher level of transparency
You can read more about this here: https://www.mintos.com/en/security/investor-protection/
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Yes yes protect investors.......
"The scheme protects investors by providing compensation if Mintos fails to return financial instruments or funds to investors."IF MINTOS FAILS.....
But if fails Wowwo, Credistar, IDFinance, ElevinGroup...... who protects the investor?We are the same as before but with less return and more taxes
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MMM thanks for your feedback.
Regulation is not about protecting investors from investment risk, such as poor performance of underlying loans, borrowers defaulting, or lending companies defaulting. Investment risk is what investors assume when they invest in loans, and for that investors receive corresponding returns. Regulation is about making sure that the platform investors deal with is working up to a certain level of standards, that there is an adequate level of transparency and information available so that investors can make well-informed investment decisions, and that if something happens to the platform then investors are protected. It is also about making sure that investors can be confident that what they invest in is really theirs and that the cash which is uninvested is always there. This might not be the case when investing through an unregulated platform - who knows what instrument investors are buying or even if the loans they invest in actually exist, where the investments made are transferred if at all, and what the platform is doing with the cash and will it be always available for withdrawal. Nobody is checking that for unregulated platforms as opposed to a regulated platform where we have processes and procedures in place set out in accordance with regulatory guidelines and audited by the regulator.
One way to think about regulation is to compare it with the stock brokers. In a regulated stock brokerage, investors can be sure that they have actually bought a corresponding stock, that the stocks they own are really theirs and that even if something happens to the broker then they will still own the stock, and that all uninvested cash is properly safeguarded too. But no regulation of course will guarantee the performance of the stocks. The price of the stock might go up and might go down and that is the investment risk investors are taking.
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Dear Annija,
could you please quantify my advantages?
I need hard facts which have real value for my investments.
As you see in other comments we are all mad hearing this much marketing bullshit.I expect a valuable answer to every point I mentioned..
Best regards
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Answer is still outstanding
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