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Creditter + EcoFinance + Lime Zaim + Kviku



  • Bruno

    Lucja (Mintos),

    As far as I know, only Kviku case is in court, so sharing information about alternative routes (which I doubt you are really exploring) would not be a problem. If you still think that's a problem, you can share it privately to each of the affected investors via e-mail. 

    It would be much better than what you currently share months in a row - no update since the last month.

    I have no patience left with Mintos.

    I will keep the frequent reminders until you stop ignoring us, provide real updates and show us real efforts to recover our money.

    Said that, I'm still waiting for the list of "alternative possibilities" you are exploring to recover our money, here or via e-mail.

  • Bruno

    Lucja (Mintos),

    Elmars (Mintos),

    So you decided to sell Kviku's and Dozarplati's debt to a third party with a discount.

    Shouldn't this kind of operation be approved by us? When will you disclose additional information about this (effective date, discount)?

  • Bruno

    Hi Lucja (Mintos),

    Thanks for the fast (ironic mode off) response.

    Please note that according to Mintos Terms and Conditions Part III paragraph 4.7, the Lending Company is entitled to perform all the necessary and allowed actions to facilitate timely and full recovery of the Claim without the involvement of the Investor. 

    You have assumed that there will be a loss, so this won't be a full recovery and for sure not timely. Said that, you have to consult the Investors in such kind of decisions.

  • Ilya Shpuntou

    Lucja, take your job seriously or delegate your responsibilities to someone who will be responsible.

    KFC treats its customers more carefully.

    We are talking about millions of euros and the trust that investors have in Mintos.


  • Christopher

    What exactly does your investor service team do, Mr. Elmars? I have the impression that the entire Mintos platform is supported by a maximum of 5 people, with Lucia at the forefront. In 2022, I again asked to correct my tax return, remove inactive accounts and report more late loans . To date, no one has done anything about it, and the answers to our questions, which we receive from YOU, are simple copy and paste.

  • Bruno

    Lucja (Mintos), Elmars (Mintos) - I'm still waiting for an answer. Also, where are the "Overdue" updates for September? We are close to the middle of October and still nothing ..

  • Vincent Merlino


    What evidence do you need more than Mintos is sick ? 
    I invite you to withrdaw everything you can as fast as possible. 

    Soon the pyramid will collapse...

  • Bruno

    Hi Elmars (Mintos),

    Hi Lucja (Mintos),

    October has come to an end, and the last time Creditter paid anything was in August. How come you allow them to stop paying to "work on a proposal for an alternative payment plan"? They were paying, slowly, but they were... 

    Regarding Dozarplati - bank account opened in August, and Mintos states that there were chances to receive the first payment in September, nothing happened. In the following update, Mintos states that it's expecting the first payment in October - nothing happened again.

    What are you doing to recover our money?

    What is the status of Kviku? No real update since June. 

    I honestly hope that the update for October is not published in the middle of November as the previous one, and I hope that it contains a real update as in terms of funds recovered, I already know that it sums 0.

  • Fjvera

    Los inversores continuamos a la espera de que MINTOS recupere nuestro dinero de los prestamos de Rusia y Ucrania. Ha pasado otro mes más y seguimos sin recuperar nada.

    - Creditter = 14%
    - EcoFinance = 13%
    - Lime Zaim = 8%
    - SOS Credit = 4%


    Investors continue to wait for MINTOS to recover our money from loans from Russia and Ukraine. Another month has passed and we still haven't recovered anything.

    - Creditter = 14%
    - EcoFinance = 13%
    - Lime Zaim = 8%
    - SOS Credit = 4%

  • Fjvera

    ¿Por qué MINTOS coloca a mis posts la etiqueta "Pending approval" si cumple con los requisitos del foro? Ya es lo único que me falta por ver de MINTOS, que no deje a los inversores expresar nuestro descontento con el funcionamiento de la plataforma.


    Why does MINTOS label my posts "Pending approval" if they meet the forum requirements? This is the only thing I need to see about MINTOS, which is that it does not allow investors to express our dissatisfaction with the functioning of the platform.

  • Bruno

    Lucja (Mintos),

    Elmars (Mintos)

    Why will the upcoming update be released only next week? October ended 3 days ago. Will it be an October update or a mid-November? That leads to confusion in the amounts reported, as last time

  • Ilya Shpuntou

    I wrote to KFC asking if Łucja Lipiec and Elmars Ciganovics  work there. After an hour they wrote that they don't work there.

    The company that sells fried chicken responds within an hour.

    The company to which we entrusted the money does not want to answer questions.

  • Paweł Andrzej Lechowicz

    Lucja (Mintos)

    Your apology is ridiculous and unacceptable.
    Can't answer questions for so long? No respect.

    I feel like you don't know what's going on.
    Russian Kviku should pay over 42 million euros. It will be a scandal.

  • Bruno

    Ilya Shpuntou - Creditter 10%, Dozarplati 0%, Kviku 0%

    Lucja (Mintos), @..., Elmars (Mintos) - I'm still waiting for the list.

    Regarding the last update, we want to know by when will this plan be in action.

    There has been some progress achieved in being able to recover a large part of the exposure. We are now in the process of preparing legal arrangements to see if this plan can proceed.

    For Kviku, 9 months with no update. Congratulations.

  • Bruno

    Lucja (Mintos), I'm more than aware of your weak and unfruitful processes. Now, please answer my question:

    By when will this plan be in action?

    Take the opportunity and answer as well in the ID Finance Mexico topic, now that you dropped one more bomb about it, it would be good that you answer investors' questions.

  • Paweł Andrzej Lechowicz

    You and professional management?
    Something is going wrong.

    Bruno provides more information than you and I am grateful to him for this.
    I hope to recover my full investment. I don't want to think about Mintos selling the debt to someone else. After all, you often say that you are looking for a method to recover the debt.
    Still want to lie?

  • Bruno

    I will restart my daily Trustpilot reviews and submit a formal complaint regarding this. I am not saying this is a bad option (selling the debt to someone else), but we have to be informed and approve the conditions ...

  • Christopher

    O jak dużej stracie mówisz, Marku ? 20 mln.  ? 30, 40 mln.  ? W jaki sposób Mintos planuje to rozliczyć? Od 4 lat mam tylko 0,01 centa w sekcji „nieściągalne” i zablokowane jest 8700 euro + 20 000 – 30 000   od Kviku.

  • Fjvera

    Me gustaría que Mintos diera alguna explicación sobre qué está pasando con estas empresas, ya que llevan mucho tiempo sin realizar pagos y además el importe total de recuperación previsto es inferior al 100%. ¿se va a hacer lo mismo que con REVO?

    I would like Mintos to provide some explanation on what is happening with these companies, since they have not made payments for a long time and also the total expected recovery amount is less than 100%. Is it going to do the same as with REVO?

  • Bruno

    Hi Lucja (Mintos),

    Dozarplati is opening a new bank account since April. Do you think that's normal? What are you doing to solve the issue?

  • Fjvera

    Buenas tardes,

    ¿Es Mintos consciente que otras plataformas de crowdlending han pagado ya casi el 100% de los prestamos pendientes de Rusia y Ucrania?

    Algo está fallando en la gestión realizada de Mintos con respecto a este problema para los inversores de la plataforma.

    Os pido que empecéis a gestionar este problema sin demora y, al ser posible, sin perdida monetaria para los inversores de la plataforma. No hagáis otro caso Revo, por favor.

    Un saludo.


    Good afternoon,

    Is Mintos aware that other crowdlending platforms have already paid almost 100% of the outstanding loans from Russia and Ukraine?

    Something is wrong with Mintos' management of this issue for investors on the platform.

    I ask that you begin to manage this problem without delay and, if possible, without monetary loss for the investors of the platform. Don't make another Revo case please.

    All the best.

  • Fjvera

    ¿Va a recuperar MINTOS algo del dinero afectado por la guerra de Rusia y Ucrania para este mes de septiembre? Llevamos meses sin recuperar nada y nos estamos empezando a cansar de vuestra mala gestión de los problemas.

    Los inversores hemos puesto nuestro dinero en manos de MINTOS para que aporte seguridad y no constantes pérdidas.


    Is MINTOS going to recover some of the money affected by the war in Russia and Ukraine for this month of September? We haven't recovered anything for months and we're starting to get tired of your poor problem management.

    Investors have put our money in the hands of MINTOS so that it provides security and not constant losses.

  • Fjvera

    Otra plataforma de Crowdlending, no digo nombre para que se publique, ha pagado la totalidad de los prestamos pendientes de Rusia y casi el total de los prestamos pendientes de ucrania.

    Mientras tanto, MINTOS continúa mirando las nubes.

    Bien trabajado.


    Another Crowdlending platform, I will not name it so that it is published, has paid all of the outstanding loans from Russia and almost all of the outstanding loans from Ukraine.

    Meanwhile, MINTOS continues to look at the clouds.

    Well worked.

  • Bruno

    You have to add to your list:

    - Dozarplati = 0%

    - Kviku = 0% 

  • Ilya Shpuntou
  • Vincent Merlino

    However, we kindly request maintaining a respectful tone and fostering a professional atmosphere within our community.

    Are u serious ? U are asking to be respectfull when u just spit on our face everytime ? 
    Mintos looks more and more like a ponzi. 

    You don't give any information just random sh*t with no valuable transparency. 
    For example ID Finance never pay his debt more than a year without respect the plan and they will continue after december. 

    U can't ask for respect with the "job" u are doing... 
    You can't ask for respect when u pay for review on Trustpilot

    You can't ask for respect when u are not able to solve problem and have bad contract. 

  • Ilya Shpuntou

    Hello Elmars Ciganovics,

    I'm glad that now you will answer the questions.

    1. Why haven't we received the money yet from Dozaplati?

    2. How much money should Dozarplati pay in the first installment according to the schedule?

    I hope we take each other seriously and you will respond by the end of October 2, 2023

    Thank you.

  • Bruno

    Hi Elmars (Mintos),

    It's quite funny that you ask for respect here, while all Mintos has been doing in the last months was ignore, despise and disrespect us.

    I have a question for you. In the last update, it was stated that a payment was received from Creditter, but I didn't receive a single cent from them. Given that you have acknowledged that there will be losses (50 to 75% of expected recovery), how are these payments being distributed to investors?

  • Fjvera

    Lucja (Mintos) ha pasado otro mes y NO SE HA DEVUELTO NI UN EURO de los prestamos de Rusia y Ucrania.

    Seguimos igual que hace muchos meses:
    - Creditter = 14%
    - EcoFinance = 13%
    - Lime Zaim = 8%
    - SOS Credit = 4%

    ¿De verdad creéis que estáis haciendo bien vuestro trabajo?

    Seguid así y os quedaréis sin inversores.


    Lucja (Mintos) has passed another month and NOT ONE EURO HAS BEEN RETURNED on loans from Russia and Ukraine.

    We continue the same as many months ago:
    - Creditter = 14%
    - EcoFinance = 13%
    - Lime Zaim = 8%
    - SOS Credit = 4%

    Do you really think you are doing your job well?

    Continue like this and you will be left without investors.

  • Bruno

    I have also 10% on Creditter.

    Elmars (Mintos), do you care to explain, or you just don't care?

    Also, you might want to explain this from Creditter:  

    No payments were received in September as the lending company is working on a proposal for an alternative payment plan that would potentially allow monthly repayments larger than RUB 10 million. We expect to share more information in October.

    What the hell is this? So they stop paying because they are working on a proposal? Why don't they keep paying until the proposal is in place? This is just another silly excuse.. They are not even paying the 10M RUB - they paid 75k€ in August, while considering the lowest conversion rate for that month, they should have paid at least 91k€. 


    And also explain Dozarplati's case:

    The lending company is cooperative and looking for ways to start sending at least the RUB 10 million monthly payments. We expect payments to start in October. 

    They were opening the bank account since April, now that they did it, what do you mean by "looking for ways" to start sending at least the RUB 10M? What do you mean by at least? Can they send more without an exception? Why didn't they send anything in September if the account is open now?


    These updates are just ridiculous.




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