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  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator

    Hi Cyril F
    Thank you for your inquiry regarding the declaration of income earned from Mintos in France.
    Please note that, as an investment firm, we are not authorized or able to provide specific tax advice or information on local regulations. To ensure that you are complying with all relevant laws and regulations regarding the declaration of your income from Mintos, we recommend that you contact your local France tax office for guidance and assistance. Thank you for your understanding, and please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions.

  • Cyril F

    I don't understand your answer. Maybe I am asking a wrong manner.

    I don't won't advice or specific information about tax in France. 
    But I want to be sure to declare the right amount in the right column. Here in France every year we received from local bank or crowdlending platform a document called IFU (don't know how to translate Imprime Fiscal Unique) that summarize all earning and loss and what is already paid via withholding for example...

    I know in france this refer to 2TT, 2CK row for example. But we are well know for a administrative complacted country it would be great if mintos could summarize this for french people

  • Nicolas Mayer

    En soit demande à l'administration fiscale pour t'aider dans la déclaration. 


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