About investing, Notes and Loans, automated portfolios, Mintos Risk Score, overdue funds

Wowwo Q&A
7 voti 310 commenti
6 voti 27 commenti
"In Recovery funds"... no change for months...
6 voti 28 commenti
Creditter + EcoFinance + Lime Zaim + Kviku
5 voti 116 commenti
ID Finance Spain: Filing Collective Claim to Mintos or ID Finance Spain
5 voti 14 commenti
Policy regarding pending and overdue classification and more
4 voti 0 commenti
Any update on the timeline on Kviku?
4 voti 6 commenti
Any update on Kviku?
4 voti 51 commenti
Capital Service FINANCIAL STATEMENT 2020 & Q1 2021
4 voti 3 commenti
Legal proceedings brought by Mintos have recovered investors’ funds from Aforti in full
4 voti 5 commenti
Overdue investments
3 voti 15 commenti
Creditstar missing 3.4M payment
3 voti 7 commenti
IDF Eurasia - update on repayment plan ?
3 voti 24 commenti
Cansado de MINTOS / Tired of MINTOS
3 voti 5 commenti
ID Finance Mexico
3 voti 75 commenti
3 voti 5 commenti
Distribution of received repayments from suspended/defaulted companies
3 voti 10 commenti
Capital Service PL repayments
3 voti 11 commenti
What about Kviku?
2 voti 1 commento
planet 42
2 voti 26 commenti
GetBucks Zambia loans bad debt?
2 voti 3 commenti
Attracting new loan originators
2 voti 3 commenti
Wowwo court case costs questions
2 voti 32 commenti
ID Finance Spain and Mexico Update
2 voti 140 commenti
KZT pending payments GFM and IDF Eurasia
2 voti 7 commenti
2 voti 1 commento
Missing answer from Mintos
2 voti 4 commenti
LOs missing from Pending payments update 6 May
2 voti 3 commenti
2 voti 31 commenti
What to expect with Wowwwo curent loan ?
2 voti 14 commenti