Bugs & Fixes
Please report on a bug or an issue that you have encountered. We will appreciate if you describe it in as much as detail as possible. Do add screenshots, if possible.
We'll be working to fix them and keep you updated with any known issues or bugs on our marketplace and mobile app here.
Fix request:
The introduction video on the homepage needs to be altered. It contains old content like buyback guarantee
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Podemos Progresar seems to be missing form the updated statistics
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There seem to be an increasing amount of investments in the secondary market which give a fault code when you try to invest, "current share exceeds max amount etc..". These loans do not disappear and have been on the secondary market for weeks now and seem to be increasing in numbers. This is very annoying for me as I am someone who invests actively with filters in the secondary market, and these keep blurring my filter. Loan 37962856-01 is a good example:
Would you please look into why these loans are still up on the market?
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