To calculate the total amount you need to report for tax purposes, simply add together the figures from both the Interest and Income sections.
Here's a straightforward example:
Example No. 1
An investor needs to declare the following amounts in their tax return:
Interest Income:
Interest from Claims: 100.00 EUR
Interest from Notes backed by loans: 200.00 EUR
Interest from Notes backed by bonds: 50.00 EUR
Interest from pending payments: 1.00 EUR
Total Interest Income: 351.00 (values highlighted in green)
Additionally, the investor must report:
Capital gains: 2.00 EUR (value highlighted in yellow)
Bonus payment: 50.00 EUR (value highlighted in pink)
Furthermore, the investor has paid 12.50 EUR in taxes, which should be deducted from the total tax liability (value highlighted in blue)
This example illustrates how to compile and report earnings and deductions accurately on a tax declaration.
Example No. 2
The investor should declare €210.98 (values highlighted in green) as the received interest and could reduce their payable taxes by €10.52 (values highlighted in pink), which represents the tax amount already paid in the Republic of Latvia.
!NB! To confirm the exact amount that has been paid as withholding tax to the Latvian States Revenue Service for investments in other currencies than EUR, please reach out to our Chatbot requesting assistance.