The tax report for 2023 outlines key elements such as:
Investor Information:
- Investor details: For individuals, includes first and last name; for legal entities, the company name is used.
- Investor ID: Found under the name on your Mintos account.
- Registration Date: The date your Mintos account was established.
- Tax ID: Your unique tax identification number.
- Birth Date: For individual investors only.
- Reporting Year: 2023.
Report Sections:
- Account Balances: The opening and closing balances of your account, with a detailed breakdown available in Annex No.1. Additionally, an expanded view of the ETF portfolio is in Annex No.2.
- Interest: Details the interest income earned, broken down into Annex No.3 for income from Claim investments and Annex No.4 for income from Note investments. It also differentiates between loan-based and bond-based funding sources.
- Income: Covers capital gains and other income sources, detailed in Annex No.5.
- Expenses: Evaluate investment-related expenses. It's important to note that not all expenses may be deductible for tax purposes. Consult your local tax authorities for specific guidance.
- Write-offs: Reflect funds that have been written off from your account, with a comprehensive explanation provided in Annex No.6.
- Deposits & Withdrawals: Summarize all incoming and outgoing transactions, with a detailed list in Annex No.7.
To learn how to calculate the amount that you need to report, please click here. You can find your tax report here. Please note that the tax report is only available in English.