About investing, Notes and Loans, automated portfolios, Mintos Risk Score, overdue funds

Wowwo Q&A
7 Stimmen 313 Kommentare
Credit Score Fix-up Hack; Cybergoattechie.
0 Stimmen 1 Kommentar
Creditstar shaky
0 Stimmen 2 Kommentare
2025: planet 42
0 Stimmen 2 Kommentare
0 Stimmen 0 Kommentare
New filtered proposal to find loans and diversify
0 Stimmen 0 Kommentare
Pinjam Yuk - all loans 100% late ??
0 Stimmen 2 Kommentare
Never ending overdue story by Everest Finance
1 Stimme 3 Kommentare
0 Stimmen 9 Kommentare
planet 42
2 Stimmen 26 Kommentare
Trouble to understand dynamic diversification on loans
0 Stimmen 0 Kommentare
Cashback from Nera Capital
0 Stimmen 2 Kommentare
Capital Service PL repayments
3 Stimmen 11 Kommentare
NERA Capital - Interest on Delayed payments
1 Stimme 4 Kommentare
How do you save a filter?
0 Stimmen 2 Kommentare
What about Kviku?
2 Stimmen 1 Kommentar
Why my account is limited? Could someone help me finally? :(
0 Stimmen 2 Kommentare
Fenchurch Legal - what is the situation ?
1 Stimme 13 Kommentare
Available money is not Invested in custom Portfolio
0 Stimmen 0 Kommentare
Mintos Standard Portfolios Investing lower than 50€?
0 Stimmen 2 Kommentare
Sell investments with remaininh principal less than 1 €
1 Stimme 1 Kommentar
ID Finance Spain and Mexico Update
2 Stimmen 140 Kommentare
Notes FAQ
0 Stimmen 15 Kommentare
Interest income on delayed payments
0 Stimmen 7 Kommentare
Forward flow - Zenka
0 Stimmen 7 Kommentare
Yield / Interest rate calculation
1 Stimme 2 Kommentare
How is the Unavailable for cash out calculated?
0 Stimmen 1 Kommentar
Strategy priority setting
0 Stimmen 3 Kommentare
Notes on Mintos
0 Stimmen 9 Kommentare
Discussion of account closure if there are funds in recovery
1 Stimme 12 Kommentare