About investing, Notes and Loans, automated portfolios, Mintos Risk Score, overdue funds

Finclusion loans overdue
0 Stimmen 5 Kommentare
Creditter + EcoFinance + Lime Zaim + Kviku
5 Stimmen 116 Kommentare
Wowwo court case costs questions
2 Stimmen 32 Kommentare
Increase of my "Bad dept"
1 Stimme 3 Kommentare
GetBucks Zambia loans bad debt?
2 Stimmen 3 Kommentare
Wowwo operations still normal?
0 Stimmen 3 Kommentare
0 Stimmen 0 Kommentare
Zenka alert
0 Stimmen 0 Kommentare
Fenchurch-related questions
0 Stimmen 14 Kommentare
Sun Finance - in trouble?
0 Stimmen 3 Kommentare
Brutal drop in MINTOS RISK SCORE score in ZENKA & more.
0 Stimmen 4 Kommentare
Overdue notes in PLN
0 Stimmen 5 Kommentare
FAQ about Russian and Ukrainian lending companies on Mintos
0 Stimmen 258 Kommentare
Dziesiątka Finanse
1 Stimme 8 Kommentare
First Wowwo, now Credistar?
0 Stimmen 4 Kommentare
1 Stimme 13 Kommentare
Overdue investments
3 Stimmen 15 Kommentare
Ask Mintos Anything: Funds in recovery edition
1 Stimme 22 Kommentare
Planet 42
0 Stimmen 6 Kommentare
Revo Technology - Case is closed - Permanent loss of capital
1 Stimme 2 Kommentare
6 Stimmen 27 Kommentare
IDF Eurasia
1 Stimme 6 Kommentare
Eleving Group - Albania
0 Stimmen 4 Kommentare
Policy regarding pending and overdue classification and more
4 Stimmen 0 Kommentare
IDF Eurasia - update on repayment plan ?
3 Stimmen 24 Kommentare
Creditstar missing 3.4M payment
3 Stimmen 7 Kommentare
I just learned that Fenchuch was placed under “Recovery”. Why is that?
1 Stimme 3 Kommentare
Pending payment are exploding
1 Stimme 74 Kommentare
0 Stimmen 0 Kommentare
Capital Service... anybody received anything lately
0 Stimmen 5 Kommentare