About investing, Notes and Loans, automated portfolios, Mintos Risk Score, overdue funds

Weekly Pending Payments updates Q&A
0 Stimmen 5 Kommentare
3 Stimmen 5 Kommentare
Legal proceedings brought by Mintos have recovered investors’ funds from Aforti in full
4 Stimmen 5 Kommentare
NERA Capital - Interest on Delayed payments
1 Stimme 4 Kommentare
Brutal drop in MINTOS RISK SCORE score in ZENKA & more.
0 Stimmen 4 Kommentare
What is your current strategy?
0 Stimmen 4 Kommentare
Eleving Group - Albania
0 Stimmen 4 Kommentare
First Wowwo, now Credistar?
0 Stimmen 4 Kommentare
Missing answer from Mintos
2 Stimmen 4 Kommentare
Credistar and ID Finance not paying loans
0 Stimmen 4 Kommentare
Getbucks, Finko & Expresscredit Repayment schedules
1 Stimme 4 Kommentare
Irregularities in pending payment update report
2 Stimmen 4 Kommentare
Sudden rise in pending payments
0 Stimmen 3 Kommentare
GetBucks Zambia loans bad debt?
2 Stimmen 3 Kommentare
Attracting new loan originators
2 Stimmen 3 Kommentare
Notes - Frequency added to platform
0 Stimmen 3 Kommentare
Wowwo operations still normal?
0 Stimmen 3 Kommentare
Is there a limit to extending the "Remaining Period" of a Note?
1 Stimme 3 Kommentare
Sun Finance - in trouble?
0 Stimmen 3 Kommentare
Increase of my "Bad dept"
1 Stimme 3 Kommentare
I just learned that Fenchuch was placed under “Recovery”. Why is that?
1 Stimme 3 Kommentare
Pending payments of GFM
0 Stimmen 3 Kommentare
LOs missing from Pending payments update 6 May
2 Stimmen 3 Kommentare
What's the problem with Watu credit?
0 Stimmen 3 Kommentare
GetBucks Q&A
0 Stimmen 3 Kommentare
Strategy priority setting
0 Stimmen 3 Kommentare
Interest on funds in recovery (current Wowwo situation)?
2 Stimmen 3 Kommentare
Dozarplaty risk score
0 Stimmen 3 Kommentare
Capital Service FINANCIAL STATEMENT 2020 & Q1 2021
4 Stimmen 3 Kommentare
Eleving/Mogo, Pending Payments
0 Stimmen 3 Kommentare