About investing, Notes and Loans, automated portfolios, Mintos Risk Score, overdue funds

What to expect with Wowwwo curent loan ?
2 Stimmen 14 Kommentare
Interest on funds in recovery (current Wowwo situation)?
2 Stimmen 3 Kommentare
Irregularities in pending payment update report
2 Stimmen 4 Kommentare
2 Stimmen 1 Kommentar
E-cash situation and pending payments
2 Stimmen 28 Kommentare
Defaulted lending company principal/interest data structure
2 Stimmen 1 Kommentar
What's the current situation with Akulak?
2 Stimmen 8 Kommentare
NERA Capital - Interest on Delayed payments
1 Stimme 4 Kommentare
Sell investments with remaininh principal less than 1 €
1 Stimme 1 Kommentar
Is there a limit to extending the "Remaining Period" of a Note?
1 Stimme 3 Kommentare
IDF Eurasia
1 Stimme 6 Kommentare
Revo Technology - Case is closed - Permanent loss of capital
1 Stimme 2 Kommentare
1 Stimme 13 Kommentare
Increase of my "Bad dept"
1 Stimme 3 Kommentare
Ask Mintos Anything: Funds in recovery edition
1 Stimme 22 Kommentare
Iute Credit
1 Stimme 1 Kommentar
Russian loans
1 Stimme 14 Kommentare
1 Stimme 1 Kommentar
I just learned that Fenchuch was placed under “Recovery”. Why is that?
1 Stimme 3 Kommentare
Fenchurch Legal - what is the situation ?
1 Stimme 13 Kommentare
Payback action
1 Stimme 5 Kommentare
Planet 42 ,Pending payments grow and grow
1 Stimme 6 Kommentare
ID Finance Spain Cashback Campaign
1 Stimme 1 Kommentar
Dineo Credito
1 Stimme 12 Kommentare
ID Finance Spain
1 Stimme 5 Kommentare
Credistar Estonia pending payments
1 Stimme 55 Kommentare
Abuso de pagos pendientes
1 Stimme 2 Kommentare
ID Mexiko
1 Stimme 0 Kommentare
Qué pasa con ID Finance Mx?
1 Stimme 6 Kommentare
No pending payments update on April 15th 2022
1 Stimme 1 Kommentar