PLEASE change to a different Captcha provider
Every time I try to log in, I am met with a Captcha system, as implemented by Google. This system has several problems which make it troublesome to log in:
-The Captcha images are deliberately ambiguous, meaning you always have to do several rounds.
-The Captcha system will often give you a new round even if you have answered every image correctly.
-The Captcha images often load/refresh incredibly slowly, meaning it can take more than a minute of work to log in under normal circumstances.
These are known problems with the Google Captcha system whhich are widely reported across the internet.
Please Mintos, on behalf the users, I beg you to change to a different Captcha provider. There are many other providers who are not abusive.
You are a financial services provider, and your customers should not have to perform free labor for a third party to access our accounts. Regards, Patrick
I don't like having Google blocking access to my money. Google often decides that I'm a bot, maybe because I block advertisements and care for privacy.
1. Only show the captcha after 1 *failed* login attempt. But let people who know their password log in without any extra verification. (If they log in and abuse the server, you know who they are).
2. At least, don't show the captcha in the internal page that requests the OTP code. You have already shown the captcha in the previous page (the login page) and the user has passed it, a few seconds ago. It's insulting having to solve another round of captchas a few seconds later (one when giving the password, another when giving the OTP code).
3. If possible: in the page where you write the OTP code: show the captcha *before* clicking the "send code and log in" button, not after. Otherwise, when I finish solving the captchas the code is already outdated. Often I need to spend more than 5 minutes solving+resolving captchas, depending on Google. Sometimes more.It would better to remove Google from the Mintos--client relationship.
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Update: this morning I received a sequence of SEVENTEEN Captchas, all answered perfectly, all incorrectly denied by Google. Once again, I should not need to perform free labor for Google's image recognition projects. Please delete Google Captcha from Mintos.
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