Capital Service PL repayments
Following the repayment agreement has anyone actually received a repayment yet? I'm owed circa €600 and haven't received a cent as yet.
Hi there! I'm owned slightly more than 3500 EUR and haven't received anything yet, either. :)
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Ani 1 EURO :-))))
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Zero so far.
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Yes, me neither. I was somehow hoping that received money will be proportionally distributed among the borrowers. But it seems that it is send just to very few portion of lucky ones. So it is of high probability that most of the people will receive zero cents in next to 2 years or even more. I havent received a cent from CS for one year ... and Im not so naive to believe that CS will repay 100% with this tempo
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Nothing until now, and have 172 eur in recovery from Capital Service, i would know how much funds have remborsed and who have received some money back.
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Hi Amerigo,
2835.94€ Cap service in recovery.
0.77€ received 27/04/2021 (1st repayment received)
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Hi Amerigo,
2835.94€ Cap service in recovery.
0.77€ received 27/04/2021 (1st repayment received)
Angus you are a lucky one!
How can one check I anything has been repaid?
Since the time I havent received anything is so lonf (18 months now) and I decided not to invest in Mintos anymore - I am not proficient in working this out.Any help would be appreciated - EUR 2700+ are no peanuts to me
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Moin Juergen,
I took a screenshot at the beginning of the year, So far, specific for Cap serv, the balance has reduced by 2,6%.
Ive a similar amount to you in recovery.
Unfortunately there is currently no way to filter the recovered funds in the statement.
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In the reports for the funds in recovery I have seen, that Capital Service does repayments indeed. In may case, I didn't get any cent for at least half a year back.
Does someone get any repayments...?
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Not for a long time....if Capital Service is bothering to honour its debt to Mintos (really us the lenders) I don't know where that money is going because I'm not seeing any of it.
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Has anyone received any money from Capital Service lately? Last time I got anything from recovered funds was in February 2024, even though they write about money being transferred each month.
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