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Komentáře: 27

  • Edwin

    And don't forget the capem and jet finance. Mistake or do these companies also suddenly have problems. These 3 were. Not in the reports with pending payments.

  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator

    Dear Investors,

    Thank you for your comments. Overdue payments include not only recovery cases, but also temporary ones - restructured and overall payments that are due for longer than 7 days. So the pending payments page will include only payments that are pending for up to 7 days. We informed about this change and explained it here: https://www.mintos.com/blog/mintos-to-launch-new-overdue-page/.

  • Cyril F

    What is happening with Danarupiah ?

  • name

    As soon as possible..
    Where is the update? Potentially, the next originator fails and you do not see any need to provide timely information?

  • Lucja (Mintos),

    You said this a week ago, please explain situation a week later still pending.

    "Regarding DanaRupiah, there were API issues that resulted in many Notes being rebought. The lending company is committed to covering the current pending payments within a week."





  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator


    DanaRupiah has made the payment, but since it was a larger amount, the receiving bank has asked for additional documentation. They will provide requested documents today. This information will also be included in the temporary overdue page as part of weekly update. 

  • Guruprasad Srinivasan

    Lucja (Mintos) The money has not been credited. It has simply moved from overdue to pending payments. Appreciate a clarification.

  • Guruprasad Srinivasan

    And now moved from pending to overdue within a day! Mintos, this reflects quite poorly on you!

    Lucja (Mintos) please clarify why the payment has gone back to overdue. You just said payment was released few days back!

  • Permanently deleted user

    Did DanaRupiah exit the platform? There are no new loans and the payments from it are again overdue.

  • Lucja (Mintos),

    After three weeks of yours words "The payment was stuck in the bank and was already released to investors. If you see payments from Dana Rupiah overdue for more than 7 days, please contact our support team and we will investigate it."

    I'm still having funds in overdue but no update about. Already contacted support and waiting. Last info in overdue page is 31 March. Also there isn't any explain from Mintos about what happened with Danarupiah, why no new notes from this originator, and so on...

    I think Mintos should improve communication and info with investors because Mintos loses credibility too not only loan originator.



  • Bruno

    Lucja (Mintos), that is not completely true. I have a portion still under the "Invested Funds" category which is 31-60 days late (from Fenchurch). Shouldn't this be in the "Overdue" category as well? 

  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator

    Cyril F I will reply to your question as soon as possible.

    Bruno Overdue payments refer to investments that have been finished and repaid by the borrower, but there is a delay in sending these payments to investors by lending companies for some reason.
    However, category 31-60 refers to delay in repayment by the borrower. If the loan is delayed more than 60 days (loan status 60+), the lending company is obligated to buy back the investment.
    In the event that the loans are in the status of 31–60 days of delay, it is information that the delay relates to a period between e.g., 35 days, 40, etc.
    When the borrower decides to pay off the loan, e.g., on the 50th day of delay, the loan will return as current (when it has subsequent installments to be repaid) or completed. Some lending companies also offer interest for the delayed period. You can check it here: https://www.mintos.com/en/loan-originators/?details=#details (Interest income on delayed payments).

  • Tomas Rosendal Nielsen

    Hi Lucja

    Thank you for your reply, and thank you for your referal to the post. I have to comment on this as I do not agree with the answer:

    I agree that the post refers to 7 days, but it also states "From this date, pending payments will only include payments that are within the usual settlement process and payments that are up to 7 days past due."Its not enough that payments are 7 days late, they also have to be outside the usual settlement process. Moving DanaRupiah signals that something is wrong besides being 7 days late - A very important/discomforting signal that Mintos is sending.

    This being said, Im not sure that my message in my opening post was read by you the way it was intended - I appolegize if my english was not good enough. My point was not that DanaRupiah was moved from one catagory to another (I had already read the post on the update). My point was that moving DanaRupiah - and thereby signaling a potential problem with the LO - without communication creates uncertanty among investors. If Mintos informed that DanaRupiah (and others) had been moved, and also why they had been moved would help investors to regain trust and comfort in Mintos - moving without informing creates distrust. I undrstand that you can not disclose information from litigations, but with DanaRupiah this is not the case. From my point of view you have also created a distrust in DanaRupiah, and the comming month I do not plan to invest in loans from this LO. I do not hope that this was your intention, but sadly this is the outcome when Mintos reacts without informing why they do so.

    I hope that you will use this in a constructive mannor as this is my intention. Information is gold and from an investor perspective Mintos can still do better.

    Best regards


  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator

    Cyril F name Tomas Rosendal Nielsen

    Thank you for your patience and explanation. I understand your point and shared the feedback further.

    Regarding DanaRupiah, there were API issues that resulted in many Notes being rebought. The lending company is committed to covering the current pending payments within a week.

  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator

    Tomas Rosendal Nielsen

    "I agree that the post refers to 7 days, but it also states "From this date, pending payments will only include payments that are within the usual settlement process and payments that are up to 7 days past due."It's not enough that payments are 7 days late, they also have to be outside the usual settlement process. Moving DanaRupiah signals that something is wrong, besides being 7 days late - A very important/discomforting signal that Mintos is sending."

    We have amended the information, as it wasn't correct. Sorry for the confusion. Please note that temporary cases will include payments that are delayed more than 7 days within the usual settlement process, but are not considered ongoing cases. Common reasons for such short delays could be a held-up bank transfer or a payment review by the commercial bank

  • Cyril F

    Lucja (Mintos)

    Really enjoy mintos and the new overdue page is a step in the right direction.

    But clearly their is a issue with communication. Why don't you send a mail first when you spot a problem ?
    Why we have to ask if there is a problem ?
    Why danarupiah is passing back and forth between overdue and pendind? Based on wich decision ? Update ?

    Please we all see when there is a problem, so hidding is worst than explaining there is an issue.

    Thks and as always mintos is a great platform !

  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator

    Cyril F, thank you for sharing your concerns.

    As we care for our investors, we always make sure to share with them only true, correct, and confirmed information. In any problematic case, we start the investigation immediately, but it often takes time to discover its real causes and impact. Our efforts will go, in the first place, to solving the issue quickly and efficiently, and to inform the affected investors once we understand its scope.

    At the same time, we are very grateful to those of you who let us know about any inconsistencies you spot. Stay assured that none of these comments is dismissed - we do read them and react to each one as soon as possible.

  • name

    Still no payment arrived at all. This again is a joke.
    Mintos has to ensure that we also get interest at defined markup for the delay being greater than 10 days.



    Update 31 March read "DanaRupiah transferred €1.2m. The transfer is currently being reviewed by our commercial bank. The bank has requested additional documentation which the lending company will provide today."

    This means that Mintos already have all pending funds from investors?



  • name

    Where is the next update? Why has the money still not arrived? Is this the next wowwo case? Is mintos again ignoring our questions and serious concerns?

  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator

    Thank you for your questions and patience.

    The payment was stuck in the bank and was already released to investors. If you see payments from Dana Rupiah overdue for more than 7 days, please contact our support team and we will investigate it.

  • Mantas Dūdėnas


    What is happening with Dana Rupiah? There are a lot of late payments, but none of them are rebought? When the late loans will be rebought by Dana Rupiah?

  • name

    Why on earth does DanaRupiah again fail the money transfer?
    And more importantly, why have not I received interest on pending payments so far? This issue is apparently recurring...

  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator

    Thank you for sharing your feedback. We understand the importance of keeping our investors informed. We would like to assure you that the information we provide in our updates is thoroughly researched and verified to ensure its accuracy. Rest assured that we take your concerns seriously and aim to address any questions or issues you may have in our upcoming update. Should there be any changes to the information we have already provided, we will update it on the overdue page. Once again, we appreciate your understanding.

  • name

    I cannot spot any interest payments for the pending times the LO was not paying for more than 10 days.

    Please explain why we were not eligible.

  • name

    I am sick of it. Stop repeatedly ignoring our possibly inconvenient, but more than valid questions and provide an answer!

    Btw dana rupiah again is overdue for a prolonged timeframe…

  • Lucja (Mintos)
    Community moderator


    For specific information regarding your account, please contact us directly through the application form: https://help.mintos.com/hc/en-us/requests/new so that we can check your account and clarify the matter.


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