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Any update on the timeline on Kviku?


Komentáře: 6

  • Bruno

    Lucja (Mintos) ?

  • Slava

    Unilateral conversion into interest free (!) with bullet repayment in 2026. That is some bad faith move by Kviku. Now that Mintos made that information public, I hope they have a good recovery plan in place...

  • Cyril Migeon

    Would that mean that in the worst case scenario if no agreement between Kviku and Mintos is found beforehand, investors will be refunded in 2026?

  • Cyril F

    In the worst case that mean everything loose ;)

  • Ignacio Nieto Carvajal

    No updates for 4 months...

  • Cyril F

    Sure Lucja (Mintos) ? pls give a bit more info that no update

    How could there be no update since 4 months. Not a mail, phone call, or something in 4month ????????


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